Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

December 3, 2009

Photo caption: Volunteers from the Waitsburg Fire Department placed a 15-foot douglas fir at its traditional spot in front of the Plaza Theater Sunday to ring in the Christmas season.

Second grain tank ruptures. Less than two weeks after a grain storage tank in Waitsburg ruptured, a second one operated by Northwest Grain Growers in Prescott failed over Thanksgiving weekend. Both units were constructed in the early 1980s by the same manufacturer.

Park & Rec levy fails. The Prescott Park and Recreation District supporters have decided not to seek a recount, after missing the supermajority 60 percent by as few as two votes. Although returns from the November election showed the $160,000 one year maintenance and operation levy passing by 64 percent, subsequent vote counts narrowed the percentage to 59.2.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 24, 1994

Photo caption: Kristan Frerichs, 7, of Waitsburg is all eyes Tuesday at traditional Thanksgiving feast put on by the Home and Family Life class at Waitsburg High. First-graders dressed as pilgrims and Indians for the meal. Lucas Mohney, left, and Chris Pearson serve pumpkin pie.

Dayton studies hiring sheriff for police work. Dayton is edging down the road to possibly eliminating its police department and hiring the sheriff to provide law enforcement protection for the city’s 2,500 residents.

A tour sponsored by McGregor Co. in Waitsburg last week showed why canola could become a key crop in this area, with a little help from no-till techniques.

Fifty Years Ago

November 27, 1969

Photo caption: Cindy Culbertson and Connie Welch, both students at Prescott High School, will compete on Saturday evening, November 29, for the title of “Touchet Valley Junior Miss.” The pageant, sponsored by the Dayton Jaycees, will be presented in the High School Auditorium in Dayton at 7:30 p.m.

Photo caption: Some serious matter, like basketball lineups, was the subject of this balcony discussion between Howard Smith and Coach Mel Cox.

Photo caption: A couple of young ladies who were taking in some of the activities on the play deck were Jennie Conners and Pam Gagnon.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

December 1, 1944

Kathleen McCaw, Prescott, is beginning her practice teaching this week in Spokane. She is a Senior at W.S.C. and will teach home economics.

About eight tons of paper filled a freighter following the recent paper drive according to R. D. Roberts, chairman. One and a half tons were left for a later load which will be sent following another drive after the holidays.

Eureka community held its annual Thanksgiving dinner at the community hall Thursday. Cards were played in the afternoon and a late supper was held.

Officers elected at the firemen’s meeting Monday night were Emil Hermanson, president; Tom Kirk, vice president; Paul Koper, secretary and treasurer; R. R. Rinehart, fire chief; Gordon Hermanson, assistant fire chief; Miles Brunton First captain; Dorrell Jones, second captain.

One Hundred Years Ago

December 5, 1919

The silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A J. McLaughlin was celebrated at their home south of town Tuesday evening when about 40 invited guests assembled and partook of an elaborate dinner served by the host and hostess. A silver and gray color scheme blended harmoniously with the happy and joyous occasion.

Dick Roberts has just installed at his new farm home in Wilson Hollow, a Western Electric Lighting plant, which is proving a very satisfactory outfit. C. E. Bateman, local electrician, assisted in installing the new plant.

M.H. Land and Frank Zuger returned home Thursday of last week from a couple of days’ goose hunt over on the river , in Franklin county. They brought home some eighteen fine big “honkers” and some of their friends have been feasting on wild bird.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 30, 1894

Mrs. R. M. Brand’s chrysanthemum show this week, was well attended , and all who attended were delighted. Mrs. Brand. Has a very fine collection of plants and she gives them proper care.

Our city folk observed Thanksgiving in its wonted manner yesterday. All business houses were closed a major portion of the day; many attended divine worship; some shot turkeys; some missed; and taken altogether the day was pleasantly and profitably spent.

Mrs. Miner Lewis and Mrs. C. B. Richardson and other members of the elocutionary class will give recitations in costumes next Monday evening.

Mitchel Shuham, a well known mining man returned today from the mines in Okanogan district. He reports the find of a veritable bonanza gold mine at the very summit of the Cascade range.


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