Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Fifth Grade - Angela Johnston - Letters to Santa

Dear Santa,

I hope you will have a good Christmas. This year for Christmas I need a new pair of black Wrangler jeans cowboy cut please. Something I would like is a case of shotgun shells. Trap Loads so I can shoot clay pigeons. Something I would love is some Laura Ingalls books please. Then I would like a weed eater for my dad. I think that he would really love it.



Rollin Carpenter


Dear Santa,

My name is Makenzie Castillo and all I need for Christmas is some shoes maybe some Vans. All I want for Christmas is a 4 wheeler please. And next is what I want for someone else which is for all of my classmates to have an amazing Christmas. That is what I want, need and what I want for other people. The last thing is a book I really want it is called “The Enchanted Story Book.”

Thank you Santa!

Your friend,

Makenzie Castillo

Dear Santa, 

I need a new pair of cowboy boots. If I got these I would be very happy and thankful. What I want for Christmas is new snowboard equipment. To read, I would like the new I Survived book. For someone else to get is for my friend to get a dirtbike for Christmas. These are the things i would like for Christmas.


Kaden  Cole

Dear Santa,

There are not very many things I need for Christmas this year. The only two things I need are, church shoes and long dresses. This year the things I want is a scooter, a fingerling toy, some candy and a watch. For Christmas, the book I want to read is the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid and the new Dog Man too! The last thing I want is for my family’s friends, the Hill family to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Your friend,

Melissa Elder

Dear Santa,

My name is Jayton and I am writing to you for a good Christmas. One thing I am going to tell you what I need for Christmas. It’s new snow boots. Also new shoes. What I want is a new snowboard. I also want a skate board. The books I want are more by Tommy Greenwald. Also football books. I want to get my dad a fishing pole and a big giant hug! I want to get my mom a new bracelet and a giant hug too. But most off all I want my whole family to be safe.


Jayton Gleason

Dear Santa, 

My name is Landen I don’t need much for Christmas because my mom and dad get me a lot of stuff before Christmas. But what I really want from you is new shoes and a new game. I am thankful for you getting me stuff every Christmas and I hope I have a good Christmas and my family does too. Also I want to spend a lot of time on Christmas to hang out with my friends and family. I hope you have a good Christmas giving gifts to kids.


Landen Henry

Dear Santa,

I am writing to you to ask for a great Christmas. There is not much I need but I have a couple of things I would like.

1.  New shoes

2. Christmas dresses

3. New toys

What I want for Christmas is

1.  Unicorn toys

2. Money

3. Electric scooter /or new bike

4. Candy canes

Books I want are

1. Fly Guy

2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid

And what I want to get my little brother is

1. Legos

2. Hot wheels


Alivia Herrera

Dear Santa 

What I want for Christmas is a pocket watch. What I need for Christmas is a pack of light bulbs.

What I want to read for Christmas is the city of Ember: People of Sparks. That is what I want for Christmas.


Griffen Hinchliffe   

Dear Santa, 

My name is Natalie Knudson and I am writing this because I want to ask you for something I need, want, to read, and something for someone else for Christmas.

Something I need for Christmas is fuzzy socks. They keep my feet really warm during the winter. I would really appreciate that.

One thing I really want for Christmas is Taylor Swift stuff, literally anything Taylor Swift. 

Taylor Swift shirts, shoes, perfume, album, CDs . . . Anything Taylor Swift please.

Something I would like to read is Taylor Swift magazines, and “Whatever After” books.

I also love the COMEC Baby Sitter’s Club books. 

Finally, something that would make my Christmas amazing is if my dad gets the entire holiday week off of work. I also wish everyone in the Mary Poppins play and helped with the church, backstage, and directors, to have an amazing Christmas.


Natalie Knudson

Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Isaac. I am going to tell you what I want for a good Christmas.

What I need for Christmas is my great uncle to come back from heaven.

What I want for Christmas is an RC car. 

What I what for my mom is for her to get a new kitchen.


Isaac Mahre

Dear Santa, 

Christmas is coming up and you will be getting a lot of letters, so here is one of them. I don’t really need anything because my parents are on top of what I need. What I want is a d-railer for my bike. One thing I want to read is the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. One thing I want for someone else is homeless people to have money and a home.


Akayden Mikesell

Dear Santa,

My name is Trace I will ask you a couple things for Christmas. I will tell you in my paragraphs something I need and what I want. The third is something I read and finally something I want to give to someone else.

This Christmas, I need my Grandpa to come back. He died last year, I was sad so I want him to come back.

What I want is for my Dad’s back to not be broken anymore. Why I want that because so we could do more stuff like more hunting.

Third is what I want to read is a new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. Also a Hardy Boys book.

Finally, I would like for my family to never get hurt. That would be the greatest gift of all.


Trace Nesje

Dear Santa,

My name is Hannah Peralez and I am writing to you to ask for a good Christmas this year. I don’t want or need much this year but I would like to at least tell you what I would like. One of the things I want are pants. Some other things are boots and air pods. I also would like to give stuff to people that don’t get a Christmas.


Hannah Peralez

Dear Santa, 

My name is Kiara Rice. I need paint brushes, so if I get paint, I can use it. I want paint, so I can paint my drawings of angels and dragons, and paint pictures for my family, and of them. I want to get my brother Isaiah a bike, he really wants one, and I want him to get one. I want to have a good Christmas. I love my family and want them to have a good Christmas. And I hope my friends do too, and my neighbors and their friends and family, and my teachers and their friends and family, and my principal and his friends and family, and the loose dog that might be stray that likes to visit us, the one that’s white with patches of brown. I also want the Veterans and their friends and family, and… actually everybody, to have a wonderful Christmas. That’s what I meant.


Kiara Rice

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a good Christmas with your elves. I wish for a scarlet Xbox please and new shoes and air pods. I appreciate everything my family and you do for me through the holidays and throughout the whole year.    


Mason Rosenberg

Dear Santa,

Hi, my name is Mackenzie but you can call me Kenzie. Something I need is some more shirts. I would really like to have a four-wheeler or a side by side. I would appreciate a book about puppies or dogs. I wish for my mom and dad to have something special. I am sure money for food and water would be great!

Your friend, 

Mackenzie Strickland

Dear Santa,

My name is Brooklyn White and I am writing you to ask for an unforgettable Christmas. A way to make this happen is to get me something I need, something I want, something for someone else and something for me to read.

This Christmas, I need a new softball infielder’s glove and a new softball aluminum bat. I am getting bigger so I need an upgrade.

I would very much like a Billie Eilish poster or a Billie Eilish hoodie. I would also like some Stranger Things stuff. I ask for this every year, but I would like another dog. Also a Polaroid camera and scrunchies. Perhaps more stickers for my water bottle.

Finally, I would like to have you make sure my folks have a great Christmas as well.


Brooklyn White


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