Ten Years Ago
December 24, 2009
Shannon Elliott had the gift of making others feel special. She was a young woman who always had a smile on her face and plenty of time for people. “She always made you feel like you’d just made her day when she saw you,” said retired third-grade teacher Sandy McCaw. McCaw is among the many in Waitsburg who are mourning Elliott’s death last Friday in a collision along U. S. Highway 12 at Airport Road. She was 23 years old.
Photo caption: Waitsburg Troop Leader Dena Wood, right, guides Troop 336 Club Scouts in art appreciation during a recent den
With enough interest from parents and teenagers, it would be possible to support potential city initiatives such as improvements to the BMX track or the creation of a skate park.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 15, 1994
Hometown Christmas draws a crowd. As the more than 200 people packed into Ye Towne Hall watched, prizes were awarded to almost 60 people on Sunday Dec. 11 at the annual Hometown Christmas drawing in Waitsburg.
Need help finding that unusual gift? Can’t find a partridge in a pear tree, two turtle doves, three French hens, four calling birds, six geese a-laying or seven swans a-swimming for that special person on your Christmas gift list? How about a silver pheasant? Or, button quail or peach-face lovebird? These birds along with parakeets, mallard and buff ducks are available for purchase from the Pioneer Park Aviary.
Fifty Years Ago
December 18, 1969
New members of the Waitsburg School Board who were elected in November and officially installed at the November meeting are: Mrs. Roy (Pat) Leid, left and Mrs. H. V. (Kay) Zuger, right. This candid was taken at the December 10 session.
Preston Hall will be open for public participation for basketball on Dec. 26, 27, and 28 and Jan. 2, 3, and 4 between the hours of 2 and 4 p.m.
Photo caption: It is customary for the play cast to present the director with a gift of appreciation for his efforts, and Jeannie Pearson confers this honor on Wayne Henderson while the balance of the group take a curtain call after last Thursday’s play.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
December 22, 1944
Harry Sprague, Johnny Hixon, Bessie Henley, Rena Hanson and Thelma Webber were bruised and shaken up when their car overturned in a ditch Friday evening when the group was on their way to attend a basketball game in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Broom are the parents of a daughter, Joy Linda, born Thursday, Dec. 14 in Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane.
Santa Claus, in the person of Herman Gohlman, made his appearance at Commercial Club Tuesday evening following a sumptuous dinner. After checking some of the boys regarding their behavior during the year, he passed out presents to the group.
One Hundred Years Ago
December 26, 1919
The junior class of Waitsburg High School drove out to the new farmhouse of Dick Roberts for an old-fashioned bobsled ride. Those present were Frederica Kershaw, Celestia Loundagin, Irma Winslow, Leah Sayers, Mary Woods, Winnifred Burch, Maude Jackson, Betty McCoy, Vivian Michelson, Margarite Southard, Lydia Beckley, Harold Roberts, host; Carl Casey, Orville Wiseman, Jay Wright, Smith Phillips, Dillard Howell, Marvin Hales, Hesper Archer, Cecil Danielson and Jay Benn.
Born at St. Mary Hospital Saturday, Dec. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Small, a son.
The following young people who have been attending Pullman College this year are home for the Christmas vacation: Misses Julia Ramseur, Naomi Danielson, Roberta Houtchens, Harriet Stewart, Messrs. Verl and Donald Keiser, Aaron Jessup, Victor Herrington and Averill Monett.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 21, 1894
People are beginning to get out their sleighs and put them in trim, which in the absence of the geese going south, is the only evidence we have that winter is upon us.
The Spring Valley Literary Society discussed the question, “Should the State furnish textbooks,” at its meeting Saturday evening in the Henderson School house. Senator David Miller and Rep. J. W. Morgan of Waitsburg took an active part in the debate.
James Chenowith has embarked as a cigar drummer, and we are pleased to note, is meeting with success as a solicitor.
If you want a turkey, goose, duck or chicken, alive or dressed, call on S. S. Wills.
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