Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Dayton School Board chair urges levy passage

To the Editor:

The Dayton School District is running replacement levies and a Capital Levy (a feasibility study to improve electrical outlets in the Elementary/Middle School building to be able to install air conditioning). During our last “community meeting” a few years ago, this was one of our (yours and the district’s) major concerns. I am in favor of and will vote for the future of our school district by always supporting the education of our students.

Please check out the District website, the Citizens for Education website, and the Facebook page of DHS, for more information. Ballots should be arriving in your mailbox around January 27th. I am voting yes the minute our ballots arrive! I urge you to support our children as they continue to receive a quality education by voting to fund what our state legislature does not fund.


Katie Leid, Chairman

Dayton School Board


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