Ten Years Ago
January 21,2010
[Photo caption] Kellie Wessels and her Paint horse Apache go through the paces, demonstrating a run in during tryouts for the Dayton Days Court last weekend.
Students of the Month for December include, from left to right, Karlie Pettichord and Joseph LaRue, Fourth Grade; and Jasmine Foxe, Fifth Grade. Teachers in grades four and five select students based on citizenship, respectful behavior, effort and attendance.
The Days of Real Sport, Inc. will hold its annual meeting Saturday, Jan. 23, at the McGregor conference room. The meeting is set to begin at 10 a.m. at McGregor’s 115 Garden Street location.
[Photo caption] It’s a three-for-all for the basketball in the Waitsburg-Prescott versus Dayton Bulldog basketball game. The Cards took home a 54-46 win.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
January 12, 1995
Walla Walla County Planning Commission has scheduled a hearing in March on a request by Clyde Burdine to rezone land on DeWitt Road, just east of Waitsburg. A hearing on the request was held Jan. 4, and a second hearing was scheduled for Wednesday, March 1, according to planning director Darcey Fugman-Small.
Naomi Dodd enjoyed Christmas Eve at a dinner hosted by her son and daughter-in-law, Delbert and Barbara Dodd. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Craig Russell of Vancouver; Craig and Sheryl Stewart, Wenatchee and their daughter, Melinda.
Hannah Garbe who was injured by a horse before the Christmas holidays is reported as doing fine.
[Photo caption] Waitsburg’s Ellis Erikson, center, battles for a loose ball with Tiger Foster Garrett in a game Saturday, Jan. 7, at the high school gym in Waitsburg. The Cardinals won the league varsity game, 48-33.
Due to crop losses caused by extreme drought and grasshopper infestations occurring Sept. 1 through Aug. 3, 1994, Rural Economic and Community Development (RECD) emergency loans are available, according to Joe Kuhns, Rural Economic and Community Development county supervisor.
Fifty Years Ago
January 15, 1970
A newly-formed board of directors met in Waitsburg last Monday evening and christened a soon-to-be-formed corporation the Waitsburg Ambulance Service. Meeting with George Reinland of Dayton, the group elected King Witt of Waitsburg to serve as President and Don Hinchliffe, to serve as Vice-President.
[Photo caption] Andy Maib gives it the “big stretch” as he attempts a steal from the hands of Connell Eagle. Andy is the swift front man for the Cardinals, and leads the team in stolen balls and hawked passes.
According to a report received in the Times office Wednesday morning from Lloyd Smith, Sgt. Joel Smith called his parents in Seattle Tuesday night from a hospital in Saigon. He stated that he would be there for two more days unless further infection in his wounds developed. After that, he would be transferred to a hospital in Japan. They reported that he sounded normal and natural.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
January 19, 1945
Visual education was the topic of the Parent-Teacher meeting Wednesday night at the high school. The P.T.A. voted to purchase a projector and screen for the use of the school.
Mrs. W.A. Lloyd began work Monday on the Farm Census program which is being taken throughout the state.
Elizabeth Danielson was installed as worthy advisor of the Rainbow Girls Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Abbey attended the 25th anniversary of Mrs. and Mrs. Oscar Hays of Prescott Sunday at the home of Mrs. Alberta Dooley.
One Hundred Years Ago
January 23, 1920
Hon. N.B. Atkinson reached his 61st milestone last Thursday, Jan. 15 and Mrs. Atkinson and daughter Mrs. Nellie Ray saw to it that Mr. Atkinson was delightfully surprised by a big dinner at six o’clock.
The fine bird dog belonging to Homer Michelsen for which he was advertising a few days ago, was found in a dry abandoned well under the M. H. Keiser residence property last Thursday morning.
Cain Testerman has just purchased a Ford touring car through H. W. Jordan, of the Inland Garage. Cain says he just couldn’t stay out of the automobile fraternity any longer.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
January 18, 1895
The young people of the Christian Church will give a singles social in the church this Friday evening. A most excellent program has been arranged consisting of choruses, solos, duets, trios, quartets, recitations, etc. and at the close of the program will come the social time and the novel feature of the evening which will be the serving of an elegant lunch for singles. Admission only fifteen cents.
It cures piles, it cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, wounds. It does this quickly. Is there any good reason why you should not use DeWitts witch hazel salve?
W. J. Duncan is nursing a couple of broken ribs besides numerous other bruises, the result of a fall from the top of a horse several days ago. The horse is all right.
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