Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

February 25, 2010

For the first time in six years, the Cardinals have won a berth in the 2B state tournament in Spokane after beating Gar-Pal 53-46 in a hard-fought battle at Whitman College Monday night. Since Waitsburg and Prescott teams are now combined, it’s the first time in 78 years since any player from Prescott has gone to state. In this case, the Tigers are represented by Guillermo Hernandez.

Repeating her theme of stability and progress, Waitsburg Mayor Markeeta Little Wolf said the “one of a kind” city is in better shape than other small communities struggling with budget woes and cuts in basic services. “Fortunately,

Waitsburg is quite sound financially and the outlook is positive for 2010,” Little Wolf told a small audience of about 20 citizens who had gathered at the Lions Club Building to hear the address and ask questions.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 16, 1995

For the first time in four years, the Days of Real Sport royalty is comprised entirely of Waitsburg girls. Four lovely young ladies—Kelly Lambert, Melissa Harting, Stacey Wolfe and Michelle Aronson, will represent Waitsburg this year.

It still isn’t clear whether the school board in Waitsburg will hire a full-time counselor for elementary, junior high and high school students. Following a lengthy discussion of the topic last week, school board members agreed to talk more about the issue next month.

Just for the hardy steelheaders out there. Seen on a t-shirt at Don’s Art in Waitsburg, “I’m on a mission, goin’ fishin.”

A new high-rise net covers the large pond sanctuary at Pioneer Park aviary in Walla Walla. The large-scale net was designed by Walla Walla College engineering student, Michael Dysart. The old net collapsed last spring under a 13-inch snowfall and the new one is designed to breakaway at a predetermined weight load, preventing the net from tearing.

Fifty Years Ago

February 19, 1970

[Photo caption] Members of the Junior Livestock Board met in Waitsburg last week to consider plans for the upcoming show. Seated are: Don Thomas, right, President; Betty Jo Donnelly, center, Secretary; and Howard Smith, Vice-president. Back row, left to right, Board Members Lee Pennell, Don Hinchliffe, Jim Hansen, Kermit Jones, and John Wood. Not present for picture was Sam Grant, Jr.

Vocational Agriculture students in Waitsburg High School will join FFA members throughout the nation in activities to emphasize the importance of agriculture during FFA Week, February 21-28.

The outlook for runoff during the 1970 irrigation season for the Walla Walla drainage is expected to be one of the best that has occurred for many a year. While the snowpacks are not record breaking at the few stations measured, precipitation in the area was well above the normal which should result in above-normal runoff during the forthcoming season.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

February 23, 1945

The members of the Masonic lodge will celebrate their Diamond Jubilee at a dinner and program Monday evening, February 26.

With eight stars of radio and screen in the cast, Tex Ritter’s “Western and Hillbilly Jamboree" will appear on the stage of the Plaza Theatre next Thursday and Friday, manager Eddie Rivers announces.

Barbara Arthurs returned home Saturday from the hospital in Walla Walla where she has been for the past three weeks recovering from an injured leg.


ick Brunton celebrated his 10th birthday Wednesday when several of his friends stopped in after school for birthday cake.

One Hundred Years Ago

February 27, 1920

Waitsburg has just increased the efficiency of her firefighting apparatus by the installation of the latest pattern of double tank chemical engine.

Through the courtesy of Congressman John W. Summers this office has received a sack of several hundred assorted packages of government garden seeds for distribution. We will be glad to give you a package of this seed if you will call or send for it.

W.A. Barnes this week purchased the Waitsburg Tire Shop from G.H. Morgan and took possession Monday morning.

W.T. Hanan of the Fix-It Shop has sold the Dayton bill posting service to M.H. Land of Waitsburg.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 1, 1895

J. R. Lee of Penewawa, last week sold a carload of hogs to the Pacific meat company of Tacoma that weighed an average of 400 pounds. He says he can pay 50 cents a bushel for wheat to feed his hogs and make a profit on them.

J.W. Grayson was in the city from Tukanon on Wednesday with a wagon load of brooms. Mr. Grayson makes his own brooms, and they are strictly first class in every respect.

Our trapper, Walter Minnick, caught a large coyote Monday. It is the third one he has captured recently and as he gets a bounty, and utilizes the pelts, the business is quite profitable. He is now tanning these preparatory to making a beautiful rug for his best girl, and a lap robe for two.


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