WALLA WALLA—Walla Walla County has been issued a special - storm & flood debris burn permit for the following burn zones 2, 4, 5, 6, 8.
This special burn permit issued to Walla Walla County is through 6/30/2020 (extensions to that date possible), so please burn when it is safe. Burning under this special permit will be coordinated by the Walla Walla Community Development Department. If you wish to burn, please proceed as follows:
-Determine which Burn Zone the burn will be conducted.
-Burn zones are the same as fire districts (eg. Fire Dist #4 is the same as Burn Zone #4).
-Call the Walla Walla County Burn Line (509) 524-2612 after 9:30 am to determine if burning is allowed in your zone for that day.
-The Walla Walla County Burn Line recording will indicate the time of day each zone is allowed to burn.
-You may only burn dry natural vegetation created by the flood.
-You must monitor your burn at all times, and you must have a water source available on-site with enough volume to control the burn.
-Your burn may not create a public safety or health hazard (eg. smoke across roadway or nuisance smoke).
-Do not burn when poor weather conditions exist (eg. winds above 15 mph)
-Burn piles should be limited to no larger than 10-feet in diameter and 4-feet tall. Piles must be placed 75-feet away from combustibles (e.g. trees and structures).
-Please respect the burn times for your zone as we predict a considerable amount of burning associated with the debris from the flood.
Please contact the Walla Walla County Community Development Department at (509) 524- 2610 with any questions.
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