WALLA WALLA—Effective Thursday, March 19, the Walla Walla Veterans Administration campus announced that all Veterans and visitors will be screened at the tent in front of Bldg. 143 (the outpatient clinic) before entering clinical buildings.
The initial screening includes asking basic questions about fever, cough, or shortness of breath plus a temperature check. Those that screen positive are sent to a second level of screening to further rule out any issues.
These processes have been put into place for the health and safety of everyone in order to minimize the spread of the virus.
The VA campus is located at 77 Wainwright Drive, in Walla Walla, and Veterans are asked to arrive early for scheduled appointments – primary/specialty care, optometry, audiology, or dental – and proceed to Walla Walla VA’s Bldg. 143 to be screened; the tent is located right next to the main entrance. Once cleared, a Veteran will receive a colored piece of paper with current appointment information on it to provide clearance for entry to a building. Screening is also underway at all of Walla Walla VA’s outlying clinics; please be sure to follow the posted guidelines at each of these locations.
Please note that at this time children 12 and under are not allowed in any of Walla Walla VA’s clinical buildings. These processes have been put into place for the health and safety of everyone in order to minimize the spread of the virus.
Those with scheduled appointments are encouraged to call your VA clinic ahead of time if you have symptoms of fever, cough, or shortness of breath. Also available at this time are virtual care appointment options like VA Video Connect, telehealth, or telephone care. Veterans can also communicate via secure messaging with your primary care team via My HealtheVet for non-emergent needs or questions. Don’t have it? Get signed up at www.myhealth.va.gov. If you need help, be sure to contact Walla Walla VA’s My HealtheVet Coordinator at (509) 525-5200, ext. 26464.
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