Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

A Letter from the Columbia County Library Director

Dear Editor:

While the COVID-19 pandemic is constantly evolving, we will continue to respond as quickly as possible using data and current recommendations from public health and government leaders in our on-going commitment to keeping our staff and patrons safe and healthy. Working in collaboration with other libraries across Washington State we have had to adapt to a new reality, develop new and innovative ways to continue to deliver library services, and implement procedures for staff to work remotely, all while continuing to ensure that we follow all of the guidelines and protocols set forth by our leaders.

While the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on daily life remain uncertain, I am hopeful that we can soon reopen your library with safety measures in place. In anticipation of reopening our doors to our community, a multi-phased plan has been put in place that will allow us to resume in-person library services efficiently and safely for patrons and staff. In the words of many of our leaders, reopening will require the turning of a dial, rather than flipping of a switch.

Each phase is expected to last between one and four weeks but please note that dates and duration are all subject to change based on recommendations from health and safety authorities as well as our access to supplies. The general phases are:

Phase 0: Stay-Home Order in Place - Library Closed

Only essential staff in building; expand digital services; offer digital cards; quarantine all returns

Phase 1: Stay-Home Order Lifted - Library Remains Closed

Staff return, but library remains closed; work on plans to implement curbside services (books, laptops for unemployment, wifi hotspots, resources bags); prepare building for limited services (remove furniture, deep cleaning of quarantined materials)

Phase 2: Social Distancing in Place - Curbside Services

Events and programs remain canceled; begin interlibrary loans; implement curbside services

Phase 3: Library open to public with limited services

Open to the public for limited services; designate hours for vulnerable populations; continue to enforce physical distancing

Phase 4: Library open to public with full service

Resuming operations in a multi-phased manner will help to ensure that we can continue to provide library services without unnecessary additional interruptions. We will continue to adapt and adjust, while practicing the highest level of responsibility to our community and employees.

Please monitor our website and our social media accounts for updates:


Dusty Waltner


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