Ten Years Ago
May 19, 2011
For more than eight decades, several Dayton and Waitsburg families with FFA (Future Farmers of America) and 4-H have made the annual trek the first full week in May to the Spokane Fairgrounds to compete in the Junior Livestock Show of Spokane May 3-7. This year was the organization’s 76th year.
Adams sisters Beka, 15, and Emily, 12 are each in the lead of a big event in the Touchet Valley. Beka, who was DRS Queen last year, will be in the Waitsburg parade as the Queen of Dayton Days this year. Dayton Days is next weekend. Emily will carry the flag in the Waitsburg Parade this Saturday. Both are avid and expert horseback riders.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
May 11, 1995
Waitsburg Pharmacy is expected to close its doors by the end of June. Owner Sid Conner announced officially last weekend that after 27 years as the town’s pharmacist he is retiring and moving to Richland to be closer to his two daughters who live there. “We have had a very comfortable life here,” said Conner, who has been Waitsburg’s druggist since 1968. Conner and his wife, Joyce have raised three daughters in Waitsburg.
The City Council in Waitsburg has approved an amendment to the current city budget to allow for the transfer of donations from a special pool improvement fund to the city to pay for work on the city’s swimming pool.
In the last game of the season Friday, May 5, the Waitsburg Cardinals baseball team split a pair with Prescott, losing the first game, 4-2 and the winning the second game of the doubleheader, 4-2.
[Photo caption] George C. VanHorn, son of George and Patricia VanHorn of Waitsburg, has graduated from basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. The 1994 graduate of Waitsburg High School received training in the mission, organization and customs of the Air Force as well as special training in human relations.
Fifty Years Ago
May 21, 1970
Waitsburg woke up Wednesday morning to find the Days of Real Sport to be in a unique position for the first time in recent years. Because of some problems with equipment, Yakima will not run this weekend. Neither Seattle or Spokane will race over May 23-24. So the Days of Real Sport will be the only track operating in the state of Washington for these two days. Who knows, we may attract some of the horse fans from the coast and they could become addicted to the small track racing. Stranger things have happened.
The rumor floated through the Times shop Wednesday afternoon that Margaret Nettles Pierce has received her jockey license from the state and plans to ride this weekend. Margaret reigned over the Days of Real Sport as queen in 1964.
We were pleased to see that Mrs. Cecil Sharpe of Dayton had two of her students in the winner’s circle with posters designed for the ‘Keep Washington Green’ contest which concluded recently.
Heredity is something you believe in when your child’s report card is straight A.
One of the most noticeable things about a TV variety show is the singer who can’t sing, and the audience that doesn’t know it.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
May 25, 1945
Henry Reimers took the eighth grade students on a field trip Tuesday visiting the old Whitman mission site, Fort Walla Walla on the Columbia, an Indian burying ground and stopped at monuments and historic markers along the way.
Miss Kathleen McCaw of Prescott, has been named to the May Queen’s Court at Washington State College.
High school pranksters and other juveniles were warned today that the recently observed fad of wearing clothing with the letters “POW” stenciled on them, may get them into trouble.
One Hundred Years Ago
May 28, 1920
Tex Rankin, of the recruiting station at Walla Walla, flew to this city Tuesday, making the trip in about 15 minutes.
The Priscilla Club accompanied by their husbands drove out to the A. J. McLaughlin home Tuesday evening where a farewell party was given in honor of Mrs. C. E. Brotherton. Mrs. Brotherton has leased a rooming house in Walla Walla and will move there with her family within a few days.
Miss Charlotte Neace entertained a number of her Waitsburg friends at her home in Walla Walla Sunday afternoon and evening in honor of her birthday. Those making the trip were Elsie Kinder, Metha Harsh, Mabel Van Slyke, Elizabeth McCoy, Gordon Leid and Lester Wade.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
May 31, 1895
Miss Addie Sanders returned to her home Saturday from the Baker school which closed Friday. She has been in attendance during the entire term.
Last Monday was Mrs. N. B. Denney’s 66th birthday and 66 of her lady friends marched in on her home in Spring Valley, and took the place by storm. A delightfully pleasant time is reported.
It is now a fact that Waitsburg is to have a telephone exchange and every citizen will have an opportunity to not only talk with all his neighbors but with the people of outside cities and towns as well.
The roller skating business is being revived and probably next winter will witness a repetition of 89-90.
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