Ten Years Ago
May 26, 2011
Amidst concerns over the spread of a highly contagious equine virus in the region, Dayton Days organizers Tuesday night decided to cancel two days of Pro West rodeo this weekend. The Dayton Days parade, though horseless, will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, as will the Queen’s Coronation dinner on Friday and the Queen’s luncheon after the parade.
It’s not every day Chandra Richardson and Caitlin Riley get to beat up their principal. But Andy Maheras actually welcomes their screams, kicks and punches because it’s all part of a valuable lesson for the 16-year-old high school girls. Besides, Maheras doesn’t feel any of it. He’s protected head to toe in a Redman suit used in martial art, law enforcement, and prison guard training.
Scrambling for a new home, Teeny McMunn and Steve McMunn settle on Dayton’s Main Street. Teeny and Steve have been business partners for almost two and a half decades. They recently moved their carpet store to Dayton’s Main Street.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
May 18, 1995
The 82nd running of the Days of Real Sport in Waitsburg promises to be packed with plenty of action Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 19, 20, and 21. And to top it off, the weatherman is predicting a perfect weekend for the town’s biggest annual event. Clear skies with highs in the 80s are forecast.
A 43-year-old Dayton man suffered a superficial head injury when a police officer’s 9mm duty weapon accidentally fired during a drug raid on a home Sunday in Dayton. Columbia County prosecutor Terry Nealey said a bullet “grazed” the head of suspect Larry Harvey, of 6th Street, when provisional Dayton police officer Ronald Gilbreath “tripped over something” and his gun fired.
Fifty Years Ago
May 28, 1970
Waitsburg has another business venture in the hatching stage, and it promises to be a good one. Elaine Lowdon, a former teacher from Richland, came to town recently looking for a location to start an art studio and a craft instruction center. She is presently negotiating for the former NP depot, and if successful, will remodel it to be her studio.
Some of the best competition took place in the javelin as Prescott’s Chuck Anderson won the event with a 181-7 throw. Tom Hiatt, also of Prescott, placed a third with a 169-8. Both these boys go to the State meet. Other Prescott boys placing at Pullman were Tom Piersol in the long jump with a 20 ½ for third; Howard Morkert, pole vault 11-6 for a third place; Larry Stueckle placed third in the 100. Prescott tied for 7th place out of 16 teams.
Stop pollution or the future will be a thing of the past.
[Photo caption] Queen’s Court for the 52 running of Dayton Days. They are, left to right, Lynn Davis, Debbie Howard, and Lisa Russell. The queen will be crowned at the Coronation Ball which will be held on Friday night, May 29, at the Fairgrounds Pavilion. Dress will be informal. Music will be provided by the Country Men from Milton-Freewater, Oregon.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
June 1, 1945
Twelve soldiers from McCaw Hospital who were from farms in the eastern states visited last week at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stonecipher. All the boys were in casts.
Miss Hazel Harkins was honored at a prenuptial shower Tuesday evening at the C. H. Florea home with Mrs. Frank Harkins and Mrs. Flora Hillis assisting. Miss Harkins plans to wed T/Sgt. William Rose next month.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leid are the parents of a son born Friday morning, May 25 at St. Mary’s Hospital. He has been named Roy Wesley, Jr.
One Hundred Years Ago
June 4, 1920
In announcing the Standard Oil Co.’s new sub-station in Waitsburg, it brings before the people in this community and its vicinity the importance of another developing enterprise of considerable magnitude to this locality.
For Sale—A complete harvest outfit consisting of 1, 16-horse steam engine; 1, 28-inch Pride separator; cook house; water tanks; feed racks; 3 grain tanks; 1, 12-foot Deering header binder. C. M. Leid, Huntsville.
The Northern Pacific Railroad Co. is to replace several of their bridges between this city and Dixie according to Depot Agent George McDougall.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 7, 1895
While the militia was out shooting Sunday, Thomas Prescott came near being shot. He was coming out of the pit when one of the boys fired, the ball passing a little over his head.
The Walla Walla district camp meeting will begin June 11 at Shiloh camp grounds. Dining room will give meals at reasonable rates. Tents can be had on the grounds. Meetings will continue over two Sundays.
Heretofore the Snake River has been a barrier between the squirrels swarming the country to the north and Walla Walla county, but it is no more. The ferrymen and farmers in the vicinity of Lyons Ferry report that the pesky little rodents are swimming the Snake River by the thousands and attacking the grain fields.
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