I believe that every teacher has a special place in a school. Some are meant to teach littles, some are meant to teach middle school kids, some are meant to teach high school students. Even within these categories, teachers find that place where they are meant to be; where magic can happen in a classroom. For me, after my long career, I can safely say I am meant to teach older students, especially seniors. Even though they drive me crazy once that Senioritis bug hits (sometimes as early as September, but usually between March and April), it is my joy and pleasure to watch high school seniors successfully finish a high school career. This year is no exception, but the end of the Class of 2020's high school year has been exceptional.
You, the Waitsburg High School Class of 2020, did not get to do those last projects in class. You did not get to participate in spring sports. You did not get to attend your last prom. You did not get to be honored at your final banquets. You did not get to walk down the aisle of the gym to receive your diploma. However, you did get to see and experience the love of your school and your community.
You did get a visit from the WHS staff when they honored you with a sign, letting everyone in town know you are a member of the WHS Class of 2020. You did get to have a banner with your senior picture placed on Main Street. You did get adopted by a member of the community, adopted by a person you may or may not know. You did get to have your picture taken in your cap and gown. You did get to have a Gallery Parade around town and down Main Street on the night of your scheduled graduation. You have been honored in ways no senior class has ever been. The end of your senior year has been unique.
Rather than focusing on what has been lost, I hope the Class of 2020 will focus on what has been gained. Because of what has happened to the end of your senior year, maybe your experiences will result in new traditions. Perhaps, new ways of teaching and learning will result from our Distance Learning experience. As a staff, I want us to visit each senior in the future and place a sign in his or her yard. I hope we find a way to hang banners of our graduating seniors on Main Street every spring. I want us not to take the rituals and traditions of our community for granted, because we never know what tomorrow may bring. I trust, as your senior year comes to an end, you have learned how much people love you.
Congratulations Waitsburg High School Class of 2020. May the experiences of this spring teach you that you are resilient and with a little help from your friends, your family, your school, and your community, things lost can be things gained.
Mrs. Groom
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