WALLA WALLA—Providence St. Mary Medical Center has revised its COVID-19 visitor restriction policy to reflect the evolving understanding of risks presented by the pandemic.
The new guidelines include allowing a support person for a newborn if the mother may have COVID-19, gives ill parents the ability to designate another person to escort a child to a medical appointment, and provides clarity for disabled individuals, their families and caregivers.
So far these are the only exemptions to the no-visitors policy currently in place in accordance with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
All visitors and patients are required to wear a mask.
Providence St. Mary asks patients and their families to consider communication through phone calls and video chats as their primary means of communication.
Support from the Providence St. Mary Spiritual Care Team also is available for patients and families. A chaplain/patient advocate can provide support if requested for patients, or for family members not able to enter due to restrictions.
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