WALLA WALLA—In light of restrictions surrounding large gatherings, Providence St. Mary Foundation’s annual themed golf fundraiser will head into the virtual clubhouse for a ‘Fiesta off the Green.’
Instead of gathering for golf, participants can choose from one of two donation levels to support the cause while receiving fiesta-themed goodies served curbside at the Walla Walla Country Club on Friday, July 17.
From July 6 – July 17 at 8pm, supporters can preview and bid on creative auction packages including wine, trips and other experiences. Local restaurants, bakeries, caterers and others will create fiesta-inspired desserts which will be included in the auction lineup. Winning bidders will have custom desserts delivered to their home or business on an agreed upon date.
Direct donations can also be made through the event to support mental health initiatives launching this fall at Providence St. Mary Medical Center. Health experts expect COVID-19 to greatly increase risk of anxiety, depression and substance use. Your gift has never been more important as we respond to our community’s needs.
“This event is our single largest fundraiser of the year. Now, more than ever, community support is critical to advancing healthcare in our valley”, says Lindsey Oldridge, Chief Philanthropy Officer. “We knew we needed to get creative while keeping the safety and health of our community top of mind.”
Since 2012, the day of golf, food and friends has brought together businesses and individuals to raise nearly $1 million to advance health care in the Walla Walla Valley. You can visit the event site at bidpal.net/fiestaoffthegreen.
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