Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

K-12 students eligible for Pandemic EBT

Students in grades K-12 are eligible for Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) cards to help with buying groceries while school is closed for the summer. Families can apply by calling (877) 501-2233 or online at The application will be open by June 30th. (Application is not currently open).

If your family receives Basic Food through DSHS and your children receive free or reduced-price school meals, you do not need to apply for P-EBT. You will automatically receive these one-time benefits on your EBT card. You will need to apply for P-EBT if your children are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals but do not receive Basic Food benefits.

 All students in grades K-5 qualify since Dayton Elementary and Waitsburg Elementary are Community Elegibility Provision (CEP) Program schools (all students are receiving free meals).  Families would need to apply for the P-EBT card (when the application is open) to receive the EBT card in the mail within 35 days of submitting the application. 

Students in grades 6-12 who are not receiving Basic Food benefits but are receiving free or reduced priced meals are eligible for an EBT card. If you have had a change of income since school closed in March, families are eligible to fill out an application and return it to the District office. Last day to turn in a new free and reduced meal form will be Thursday, June 25th. 

If you have questions regarding program eligibility or need more information regarding the Pandemic EBT card, please contact:

Dayton School District, Food Services Program Director, Jane Eaton at (509) 382-2543 or (509) 520-7051.

Waitsburg School District, Food Services Supervisor, Susan Wildey at (509) 337-6301.


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