Dear Editor:
Down through the ages whether in chains or cuffs character has been more important than color. Guilt from defying authority brings on bad consequences and defines character. In spite of being either free or prisoner the issue is not color.
We need to get our priorities straight by the Book or we get what we deserve. Sometimes it’s death though not always.
Seventy years ago, at age 27, I was headed for Hell. Grace was offered to me and I accepted it. I am here to tell you to choose Grace and respect authority. Grace has no color bar; neither does Sin. Without respect for authority, in cahoots with prejudice, a person’s good picture of himself distorts his character as to who he is and his so-called love of others.
If we choose to defy authority by promoting violence and reaping community chaos nothing constructive gets accomplished. Nobody changes. Our fallen nature results in trashed streets, burned vehicles, broken storefronts and looting. It’s not about who’s right but what’s right. Only Jesus Christ can clear our muddled minds and hearts from the haze of anger, hate, and greed that reside within. Ultimately, “when I point my finger at my neighbor”, or at any of you, “three more are pointing back at me.” It puts me (us) on the spot.
Phillip Monfort
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