Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Writer heralds Dozier's fiscal responsibility and land development work

Dear Editor:

With the August 4th primary election approaching I feel it is important that each voter examine the qualifications of the candidates and make a well-informed choice. As a taxpayer and resident of the 16th Legislative District for forty-seven years, I, along with the rest of the District, have been fortunate to have fiscally responsible elected officials throughout the years. Many of which have signed both sides of a paycheck and met that obligation with their own money. I feel very strongly that this single point should be a requirement for all elected officials.

Regarding the race for State Senator for the 16th District, Perry Dozier has demonstrated that he possesses all of the attributes required to be an effective Legislator. Perry has served with distinction in leadership rolls on countless community, county, regional, and state boards including Walla Walla County Commissioners for eight years; President of the Washington Wheat Growers Association and a State Barley Commissioner representing thirteen counties in eastern Washington to name a few.

As a dryland and irrigated farmer, Perry knows the importance of not only our water rights and the accompanying issues but also the many challenges we face from regulations placed on our industry. He served on the Snake River Salmon Recovery Board and the Walla Walla Watershed Partnership Board for 8 years and worked directly with many state departments and legislators over the past 20 years on these issues to ensure that we do not lose forward progression on our accomplishments to protect our farms.

Perry has an Economics Degree and served as Chair of the Walla Walla County Budget Committee for five years during the time our nation was facing an economic recession. Due in part to his leadership the county was able to not increase property taxes, keep job loss at a minimum, while continuing to deliver the same level of service to the County residents. As a farmer, it is necessary to have strong budgetary skills in order to be profitable.

In addition to Perry’s fiscal understanding and proficiency, he brings his vast experience in land development to his elected position. Perry possess the ability to work with others to reach a solution to the most challenging issues.

Perry Dozier is the correct choice to represent our District in the State Senate. Please join me in casting your vote for Perry Dozier for 16th District State Senator.

Frank O’Leary

16th District Taxpayer


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