Ten Years Ago
August 18, 2011
[Photo caption] Fire fighting trucks rush to the scene behind the Whetstone home of Steve and Joan McMunn, where a local farmer disked a larger buffer area to keep the flames at bay. The fire started half a mile to the west at the home of Dave and Joyce Koschmeder. Local fire fighting officials said several area farmers helped them keep the fire from damaging two homes.
[Headline] “One of the Best Years” Despite numerous challenges, 2011 yields and prices lift crop prospects in Touchet Valley.
During patrols in Walla Walla, Asotin, and Garfield Counties, 118 speeding tickets were written between July 15 and August 7, in addition to five aggressive driving citations, eight cell phone violations, two seat belt tickets, three child car seat infractions as well as eight uninsured motorist and two suspended /revoked license violations.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
August 3, 1995
[Photo caption] Chuck Carruthers and Johanna Morris, of Waitsburg, in the former pharmacy, where they plan to open a pizza and game arcade business. Her daughter, Kristina, 10, is with them.
People who own 226 parcels of land in Walla Walla County, who owe $201,000 in back property taxes better pay up. The county treasurer’s office is getting ready to file foreclosures on the land—meaning that the county might end up selling them at public auction to pay the taxes.
Walla Walla County commissioners have agreed with a decision by Sheriff Bill Jackson to put “no weapons” signs at the entrances to the Walla Walla Frontier Days fairgrounds. The weapons ban includes firearms and other weapons such as knives, according to chairman Lewis Jacky.
Fifty Years Ago
August 13, 1970
Report from Green Giant this week indicated that all the cut beans from the Columbia Basin have been finished, and that Post Falls, Idaho beans will be coming in steadily about August 14 or 15. From that date, the beans should enjoy a full run with limited stops.
[Photo caption] When Benton County Beef Princess Barb Andrews called on L. V. Johnson, Richland, to present him with a prize from the Benton County CowBelles, he showed her his woodworking equipment. Johnson, who won the award as the eldest father in the county, spends much of his time making planters, magazine stands and other wood crafts.
Mrs. Bruce Abbey and Jim Abbey were taken by ambulance to the Dayton General Hospital Saturday afternoon following a two-car collision at the junction of Front Street and the hill road in Waitsburg. Mrs. Abbey received a broken nose, whiplash and severe bruises while Abbey was treated for fractured ribs.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
August 17, 1945
Because news of the victory in the Pacific caught us in the midst of this week’s issue, we simply closed the door on Wednesday night and published one day late. We had to join the celebration—period.
With the end of the war, rationing of gasoline and stove oils, along with all canned fruits, fruit juices and vegetables, came to an immediate end.
Miss Hazel Harkins became the bride of Sgt. William R Rose at the First Christian Church on August 14 at 4 o’clock.
One Hundred Years Ago
August 20, 1920
George Samuel and family returned home last Thursday from a trip of several weeks to Yellowstone National Park. They made the trip by auto, and report a splendid outing.
E. L. Barnes, J. E. Butler, Rev. John Garver and Lawrence Michelsen composed the party which left Tuesday for a fishing trip over on the Wenaha River. They went in by way of Godman Springs.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
August 23, 1895
A Times pencil-pusher made a visit last Friday to the harvest field of Joel Woods, and was well repaid for his dusty ride. The outfit consists of one thresher, two headers, twenty men and fifty horses and everything moves with perfect regularity and without friction.
Considerable complaints are made about raids on melon patches, and that both green and ripe melons are taken and in some cases, vines are damaged.
Sam Wood is overhauling his Main Street property, and will convert it into a first class hotel which he will call the Little Palace.
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