DAYTON—During the regular Dayton City Council meeting last week, special guests Judi Pilcher and Dianne McKinley requested and received authorization to move forward with a research and compatibility study to use the two most southern bays of the City Hall Fire Department garage for expansion of the Food Bank. The Columbia County Food Bank has seen an increase in service from 40 families each week to 185 families, and the current facility is not adequate to meet the increase of needed food stocks.
Expanding the current operation will include a remodel of the old, and new space to meet health and safety requirements for the clients and volunteers. The Columbia County Foodbank will be responsible for associated costs, and grants are currently being written.
In his report, Mayor Zac Weatherford addressed the progress of negotiations with the County for law enforcement, dispatch, and court services and talked about the crack seal project for city streets.
Weatherford said the County has been able to answer some of the City’s questions about law enforcement, dispatch, and court services. The City is working on a new proposal.
On Monday, Aug. 17, the Public Works Department crew will start the crack-seal project on Cameron Street, and work through additional city streets, as well as spots on the river levee.
Planning Director Meagan Bailey said there are a lot of “moving targets” in her department.
The Planning Commission has received and accepted a request from the Affordable Housing Commission to develop the appropriate procedures to surplus city-owned real estate.
The Commission is inundated with projects, including working on a public hearing to take testimony, for, or against, proposed amendments for the zoning ordinance.
“We should see traction on that, quickly,” she said.
The amendments intend to remove any barriers that may exist within development regulations to promote housing and residential development, along with commercial and industrial development.
Bailey said the Planning Commission would provide the city council with a recommendation at their next regular meeting.
A public hearing on amending the flood plain damage prevention ordinance should get some traction next month.
A public hearing on the docket items for the Annual Comprehensive Plan cycle should also get some traction in the next couple of months.
Bailey said her department is continuing to work on FEMA projects associated with the recent flood.
The Main Street Safety Action Committee has met twice, and there is considerable energy on that committee, she said.
The Dayton City Council approved the following at last week’s meeting:
Resolution No. 1427, authorizing the Mayor to execute the State of Washington Dept. of Corrections contract extending the terms of the master agreement from Jul. 1 to Dec. 31, 2020.
Resolution No. 1428, authorizing the Mayor to execute the Washington State Department of Transportation Supplemental Agreement No 1, S. 3rd St. Sidewalk Replacement project, construction administration services to be performed by Anderson/Perry & Associates, Inc, not to exceed $30,000.
Resolution No. 1430, awarding a public works contract for the S. 3rd St. Sidewalk Replacement Project to the lowest bidder, Nelson Construction Corp., and authorizing the Mayor to execute a public works contract for the work. The City received two bids, including one from Barker, Inc. Work will begin in the first part of Sept.
Resolution No. 1431, authorizing an interagency agreement between the City and the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services to provide expertise in developing and managing an energy savings performance contract to reduce energy and operational costs in city facilities; and authorizing the Mayor to execute the interagency agreement for said work.
Resolution No. 1432, declaring certain property surplus and authorizing direct disposal of surplus property. The items are a 1999 sweeper/water truck, a 2003 Kubota lawnmower, and a 1979 Chevrolet water truck. All are outdated and have been replaced.
The council also confirmed Mayor Weatherford’s declaration proclaiming Sept. 2020 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
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