Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg School Board report

WAITSBURG—The Waitsburg School Board met September 17, via Zoom meeting.

High School Principal Stephanie Wooderchak said that the school year was going smoothly though there have been some issues with the students’ Chromebook laptops. Some computers were equipped with the wrong cords, and some had login issues. Wooderchak noted that the IT provider, NexGen, had installed shortcuts for Zoom and Google Classrooms, which many of the students reported they appreciated.

Waitsburg FFA will be attending a virtual event on September 23 with the state FFA officers.

Superintendent Mark Pickel let the board know that Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) could potentially update the proposed athletics schedule, keeping up with county adjustments as necessary. Currently, basketball and wrestling seasons are scheduled to begin practice at the end of November. Pickel noted he would keep everyone updated as he learns more.

Facilities and Maintenance have been working to clear out old shrubs to reconfigure survey lines across the school properties. Repairs are needed due to water damage near the elementary school entrance due to improperly installed rain gutters. The district is working with the City of Waitsburg to consult an arborist about trimming some branches on trees on Caroline and 8th Streets.

Speaking as the elementary principal, Pickel reported that roughly 98 percent of the school’s population made it to their parent-teacher conferences. The school worked with the families that were unable to make their scheduled conference. After only a few days of instruction, Pickel reported that there had been technical issues that teachers are working to correct.

There are 107 elementary students, and enrollment packages are still coming in. Overall, attendance has been strong, despite the online model. Pickel shared one story of a student who hadn’t logged into his classes. It was discovered at a staff meeting that the second-grader was attending an older sibling’s fifth-grade classes.

The staff monitors attendance closely and will do a home visit if a student goes more than 48 hours without logging in.

Superintendent Pickel shared that the school is looking at returning to in-person instruction starting October 5- much sooner than anyone anticipated. COVID-19 cases have continued to decline, speeding up the potential start date by nearly a month. A plan is being developed to bring students back.

The Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA) Conference will offer virtual or in-person options this year. Superintendent Pickel asked the school board which event the school board would like to attend, and the board opted to attend the virtual event. The conference will be in November.

The board accepted a new set of policies for the first reading. The approved the second reading of five policies and reviewed two policies that have been retired.

The meeting adjourned following the official vote to attend the virtual WSSDA conference.


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