I have been a trial court judge in Pierce County for nearly 24 years and have known Mike Mitchell professionally for the last eight years. Our families, however, have been acquainted for well over 40 years. Mike is an exceptional candidate for a critical position. He is devoted to sustaining and improving our current justice system. As a practicing attorney and Court Commissioner, Mike has reflected the highest traditions of the bench, through honesty, integrity, and compassion for others. Mike will bring to the bench a keen knowledge of the law, refined by over thirty years as a practicing attorney. Moreover, along with this keen knowledge of the law, he brings an uncommon common sense, understanding that citizens deserve clear and concise rulings from the court. In our current environment, the role of judges has never been more important. Judges must acknowledge the need for community safety, yet at the same time insure that accountability of citizens is balanced with the potential for redemption. As Court Commissioner, Mike has seen first hand the ravages of controlled substance abuse and its impact on families and on the community. If elected, he will bring heightened awareness and keen problem solving skills to addressing this significant societal issue. The citizens of Walla Walla County would do well to insure this outstanding candidate is elected.
Judge Jack Nevin
Pierce County Superior Court
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