Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

County adopts $24 million budget for 2021

2-percent COLA for county staff

DAYTON—The Columbia County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) met on Dec. 21 to adopt various budgets, sign the ILA with the City of Dayton for Law and Justice, Dispatch, and Court services, and hire an attorney for the Indigent Defense contract.

During the meeting, the BOCC adopted a 24 million budget for 2021, including a 2-percent cost of living adjustment for county employees.

The BOCC also signed the five-year contract agreement with the City of Dayton for Law and Justice, Dispatch, and Court services, which the county provides to the city.

Walla Walla Attorney Angela Garratt and Dayton Attorney Rachel Cortez will share the county’s Indigent Defense Contract in 2021.

The BOCC discussed and adopted the following for 2021:

Resolution 2020-63; the Road Diversion Budget, for $90,000.

Resolution 2020-64; the Public Works Salary Schedule.

Resolution 2020-65; the 2021 Public Works Fee Schedule for County Roads, Solid Waste, and GIS. There are increases in the fee schedule for franchise agreements. There are no changes in GIS. The tonnage rate for solid waste has increased from $94 a ton to $96 a ton. Fee schedules are posted on the Public Works Department website.

The BOCC also met as the Board of Supervisors for the Flood Control Zone District (FCZD).

They considered and adopted:

Resolution FCZD 2020-06, the Capital Improvement Plan. FCZD Manager Charles Eaton said there are three projects for 2021; the Dayton levee extension rehabilitation, emergency repairs for other levees, and the Star levee extension.

Resolution 2020-07; the 2021 FCZD Budget. Eaton said Interlocal agreements signed in 2020 provides anticipated cash carry forward of $340,000, $338,000, and $227,000. Reimbursement from FEMA for flood repairs provides another $485,400. Local grants provide an additional $3,000. The total operating and expenditure budget for the FCZD is $853,687.


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