Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

My Waitsburg perch

My “office” is a built-in desk located in an alcove upstairs in what is now our master bedroom. Next to our library, gym, and my staging area for Zoom business meetings, it’s a cozy little space. Zoom cocktail parties work on the couch or at the dining room table; but, when I have a Zoom business meeting, I strategically place the computer on a table in the library with our over-flowing bookshelves as a backdrop. Just like TV news reporters and politicians, it provides a perception of intelligence, and they say perception is truth.

Back in my bedroom office, to the right of my desk, is a large window that overlooks Orchard Street. I have this wonderful perch where I can be a voyeur to the goings-on in our little town. And, considering I am very easily distracted, it provides an excellent procrastination tool when I work.

An important advantage to my perch is that I can see the UPS or FedEx trucks pull up to our house. I can bolt down the stairs, prove to the driver that I am over 21, and as COVID-19 requires, “virtually” sign for our wine deliveries, thereby avoiding the need to rearrange a different delivery day. Wine is a priority in our house!

I watch with envy as my neighbor Jennifer walks her three huskies with more authority and control than I can muster over a twelve-pound mutt. Maybe, besides all the gardening tips, and wonderful cuttings and plants she has graciously gifted to us, I can get some dog training advice.

I watch with awe as my neighbor Pat religiously, whether rain, snow, or blinding sun, walks with so much “pep in her step” to the Post Office or grocery store every day. I only hope that when I’m in my later years, I have as much fortitude and determination as she does in her 90s.

A few weeks ago, I watched a group of kids attempting to build a snowman in their front yard. They were determined, even though the snowman was probably made up of half snow and half gravel and rocks. Sadly, it melted within a few hours. But I was entertained watching them.

I watch the parade of kids on bikes, scooters, and tractors cruise by, even in this cold weather. I’m wearing my sweatshirt, socks, and a scarf, while the kids in short sleeve shirts don’t seem to notice it’s cold outside. Am I old? Or, just still not acclimated to cold weather?

Then, there is the slew of cats in the neighborhood. When they aren’t hanging out on our front porch tormenting Mugsy, they seem to love sitting in the middle of the street. Every time I see or hear a car coming, I hold my breath, but they seem to know they need to move instinctively. Maybe they do have nine lives and just like flaunting it to us mortals.

I love to open the windows in warmer weather and shout “hi” to friends walking by. Sometimes it startles them, and they try to figure out where I am or if it’s the voice of God calling from above. Eventually, they see me waving my arms excitedly and wave back. In pre-COVID-19 times, I could further stretch my procrastination by inviting someone in for coffee, wine, or just a chat.

I did notice this past spring and summer that I could see when the neighbors were heading to their porch with wine glasses in hand. That’s the perfect time to take Mugsy for a walk and just coincidently meander by, with a smile and a bottle of wine, and of course, some zucchini to share.

I love my office perch!


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