Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

January 27, 2011

Starbuck Mayor Darcy Linklater has been charged with driving under the influence and will appear in Columbia County District Court to enter his plea on Wednesday, Feb. 2.

[Headline] Sheriff takes “Honker” into custody for his own safety, then releases him on his own recognizance

[Photo caption] Pastor Bret Moser (left) and Pastor Mike Ferrians (right) with America West Bank’s Andie Holmberg in front of the food bank’s future home on Preston Avenue in the bank’s Waitsburg branch building.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 1, 1996

A 9-year-old Dayton boy learned the hard way not to stick his tongue out in the sub-freezing cold. And especially not near a piece of frozen metal. Oh, how many moms have warned their young’uns not to put their tongue on a frozen pipe out-of-doors? No, not even on a double-dog-dare. But that’s just what happened Tuesday morning, Jan. 23, about 10 o’clock in Dayton. One minute the lad was standing with other children near the Blue Mountain Bowling Alley waiting for the school bus, which was running late because of icy weather, and the next minute the town’s emergency dispatcher was calling the Dayton ambulance crew. “A young man has his tongue stuck on the door at the bowling alley,” the dispatcher relayed. It was five degrees below zero.

Comedian-activist Dick Gregory is scheduled to speak at Whitman College’s Maxey Auditorium on Thursday, Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m.

Fifty Years Ago

February 11, 1971

Walt Vennum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vennum, was a member of a five-man team of mountain climbers who recently made a winter ascent of Mt. Shasta, a 14,168-foot volcano in northern California.

Articles of Incorporation for the Waitsburg Historical Society, Incorporated, a non-profit entity, have been approved by the Secretary of State and were returned to Waitsburg Wednesday morning. Signers of the corporate papers, who will also act as first trustees of the organization, are Robert Patton, Mrs. Ken Zuger, Mrs. Larry Broom, Mrs. Berger Chase, Mrs. Howard Smith, Mrs. Ernest Kison, and Joe Abbey.

It is to be hoped that the dust storm which invaded the Touchet Valley Wednesday afternoon isn’t a forecast of spring and summer yet to come. The only good thing about it is that it preceded spring house cleaning instead of coming the day after you finish.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

February 15, 1946

George W. Clibon is opening a plumbing business in the P. building on Preston Avenue and will be open for business Feb. 18.

Bruce Wilson, 17, died en route to the Walla Walla Army Airfield hospital of a fractured skull Sunday morning as a result of an accident which occurred about five miles east of Walla Walla.

Joe K Van Amburgh of Cheney has purchased Harold’s Pharmacy effective Monday, February 11.

The Junior class of Wait-Hi is sponsoring a basket social on March 13, the proceeds to go to the Junior Prom. A delicious chocolate cake will be the door prize.

One Hundred Years Ago

February 25, 1921

The minimum wage scale was adopted at a meeting of the executive board of the Farm Bureau meeting in the office of the county agent. The scale is as follows: single men, $40 per month, board and room, married men, $60 to $70, house to be furnished, tractor operators, $4 per day with room and board, cooks, $30 per month.

A 6:30 o’clock dinner was served by the Aloha Club at W.G. Shuham the home Thursday evening. About 24 were present, including the husbands of the club members and a few invited guests.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 21, 1896

There is now a stronger indication than ever before that the beautiful City of Waitsburg is to have its beauty, usefulness, and general importance enhanced by the establishment of an electric light plant.

Married February 19, W.M. Dickenson and Miss Ada Saylor, both of this section. The Times extends congratulations.

Rev. J.V. Crawford will go to Heppner soon to take charge of the singing during a series of meetings for the Christin Church. He expects to be there for about a month.

J.M. Currie passed through the city on Monday morning on his way to the Willis Kinder ranch, 11 miles east of this city, which he purchased some time ago.


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