WAITSBURG-The Waitsburg School Board met on January 21 for a regular meeting. The board is still meeting via Zoom.
Secondary principal Stephanie Wooderchak shared that the school is planning on moving forward with state testing over the next two months. Sixth graders will test mid-April, followed in grade order. The testing will take about a week for each class.
The second semester will begin February 1, and she reminded the board that it would mark a complete change of classes for students.
She noted that she had begun discussions with the senior class via Zoom to plan graduation and Senior Week. The senior class advisor Karen Huwe said Roseann Groom has agreed to help coordinate graduation this year. In years past, Groom organized the ceremony; however, she 'retired' from that duty after the 2020 graduation.
Wooderchak provided a highly anticipated DW Mascot update following a meeting with the two graphic designers to discuss the mascot vision. There are currently three options being considered: DW Thrashers, DW Valley Kings, and the DW Wolfpack. Wooderchak said the ASB would meet again in late-February to discuss the mascot further.
Board member Ross Hamann, one of the designers, shared a fun story about mishearing one of the Threshers' names, taking it as a nod to the agriculture roots in both communities. He said that roughly a year ago, Threshers was one suggestion for the mascots. The DW Threshers was a suggestion made by Jack McCaw in the initial stages of the mascot discussion.
Wooderchak also gave an athletics update, following an Eastern Washington Athletics Conference (EWAC) meeting. Based on the suggestions provided, fall sports will begin February 15, followed by winter sports, and then spring. The EWAC has submitted a letter to the Washington Interscholastic Athletics Association, requesting its own schedule. There were concerns raised about how students would get the necessary practice times. Wooderchak said that until the district reaches Phase Two, sports will be on a practice-only schedule. Competitions are not allowed until at least Phase Two of Governor Inslee's reopening plan.
Maintenance and Facilities Supervisor Colter Mohney said that there are plans to remove locust trees at the athletic field. He stated that they are dangerous and are losing large branches when it gets windy. The wood from the trees would go to the Lions Club, and he hoped the Lions Club members would help stack the wood. He also shared that there is a Waitsburg resident who has asked for the wood shavings.
Elementary Principal Mark Pickel shared that he is amazed the school year is almost halfway through. He said that there had been a huge learning curve with the new grading system, Qmlativ, which replaced Skyward. Staff is working through the growing pains of the new program, trying to get grades completed before the end of the semester.
He shared that the Jump for Heart program will be virtual this year. Group A will have their event on February 9, and Group B will be on February 12. He said he would share information as he receives it.
The school is currently working on updating student registration protocols and implementing an online registration option. He said that the forms look 'really, really nice,' and he thanked Administrative Assistant Hannah Cole and everyone else who has helped with the new registration system.
Board Chair Pam Chapman visited the elementary school the week before the meeting. She enjoyed seeing all the kids, how they are in the classroom, and how they work. She said she was very impressed with how the students are handling wearing face masks in class. She noted that she was also impressed with the middle school classrooms. She said she is looking forward to being present for activities, like the upcoming Jump for Heart program.
During the Superintendent's Report, Superintendent Mark Pickel shared COVID-19 vaccination updates. He shared that he had received a revision of the current vaccination phases, and he reviewed some of the criteria, like age requirements, housing, and more. He said he would share more in-depth with the school board that if they would like.
Superintendent Pickel asked that the board hold a work session on February 4th to discuss the consolidated work program review. He said that the school would be conducting a review of all state and federal funds and programs. He was unsure if the review would be in-person or if it would be virtual, and he wanted to share further details at the work session.
The district has been working to improve its communication methods, focusing on cleaning up the unofficial social media accounts and providing training on how to better communicate with parents, students, and the community.
The board entered into an executive session following the first reading of three policies.
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