Recently I have been watching a number of sports-related movies. I’m not sure if it’s because I miss going to games (baseball and basketball especially), or I’m trying to get excited about the Superbowl. But even the anticipation and hype for the clever commercials and extravagant half time show hasn’t sparked my enthusiasm this year for the big game.
However, one movie, in particular, has been on my mind recently. Oddly, I admit, with some trepidation, that as much as I like baseball, this isn’t a movie I really like, Field of Dreams. But even I use the famous line from that movie: “If you build it, they will come,” in some form, on various occasions.
I have decided that will be my new theme as I start to dream about spring and what our garden will look like this year. We received our first seed catalog, and so I ordered seeds. This year we don’t have to build anything, but “If I order seeds, will they grow?”
Daniel and I have started to discuss, argue and plan for this coming year’s planting. Looking around town, I am beginning to think we may already be behind garden prep work. My weather app indicates that later this week, the temperature will drop into the 20s overnight, so I’m having difficulty thinking spring. Yet, I see people already fertilizing and driving around town with trucks full of gardening equipment. I have also noticed daffodils starting to pop up in my garden and around town. I’m not sure if I want them to bloom or go back underground and wait a month or so. I recently planted about 100 tulip bulbs. If ten bloom, I will be happy; so far, none have even shown a little sprout.
We have a new underground sprinkler system, so another theme: “If we water enough, will the plants grow?” Last spring, we had some very slow growing vegetables (not the zucchini), then the sprinkler system was installed, and the plants seemed much happier and more prolific.
Friends of ours used to say that Daniel and I don’t have a relationship, we have a competition. And so, we will again compete. The current plan is to divide the garden into His & Hers. Daniel will cultivate the back planters with what I am sure will be an organized and systematic plan (or so he thinks). He will plant everything in neat rows and be properly labeled. Then, as they did last year, the birds, bees, and wind will plant seeds randomly around the yard. Daniel may be more organized, but I’m not sure Waitsburg gardening will cooperate.
On the other hand, I will take over the front planters and a little dirt patch on the side of the house. My plants will most likely be crowded and less organized because I welcome the random plants. I’ve grown to love garden surprises, especially if they’re edible! We pickled many lemon cucumbers last year because a healthy plant just appeared in the yard and was quite productive. I know we didn’t plant Acorn Squash, but we certainly had a garden full. And we are still picking parsley, arugula, sage, and rosemary from our garden. Most of which I planted, I’m sure.
As I write this, I am starting to get excited about spring and gardening. Of course, it’s gratifying to see the beautiful flowers and eat what we’ve grown. But mostly, it’s about winning. I know gardening isn’t a sport, but another of my themes this year is “Life’s a competition.” I plan to win the garden game! So, let the fun begin!
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