An Introduction to the Natural History of Southeastern Washington and Northeastern Oregon.
WALLA WALLA-While Fort Walla Walla Museum may still be closed, their online programs will continue with the first Museum After Hours presentation of the year.
On Thursday, February 25, geologist Bob Carson will be discussing the various regions found in Southeast Washington and Northeast Oregon. It will take place on Zoom at 5 pm, with a live Q & A session to follow. The talk will address the factors that influence the region's physiography and biology, the different habitats they create, the resources they provide, and the risks that put them in peril. This presentation, part of the Master Naturalist Program that the Blue Mountain Land Trust offers, will demystify the fantastic landscapes that create the Inland Northwest and change how you see the world around you.
Robert J. Carson, Professor of Geology and Environmental Studies Emeritus at Whitman College, was raised in Lexington, Virginia. Mountaineering, whitewater boating, and spelunking in Rockbridge County, Virginia, and during summers in northern New England, sparked his interest in geology, which he studied at Cornell University. Bob earned an MS at Tulane University while employed by Texaco, exploring for petroleum in Louisiana and phosphate in Florida. His Ph.D. research at the University of Washington led to positions with the Washington Department of Ecology and the Washington Geological Survey. Bob taught at North Carolina State University and the University of Oregon before joining the Whitman faculty in 1975. He taught on the Semester-At-Sea program, directed foreign study programs in England and Spain, and leads trips around the world. Most of his research has been on Quaternary geology in Washington, Northeastern Oregon, Northwestern Wyoming, and Mongolia. His books include: Hiking Guide to Washington Geology, Where the Great River Bends, East of Yellowstone, Many Waters, and The Blues.
This Museum program has always been free for the public to attend. Find event details and registration link on their website at
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