WAITSBURG-Monday, March 15, was the first day of the 2021 Homecoming Week at Waitsburg High School. The first costume challenge was Zoom Call Dress Up: Business on the top half, casual on the bottom. The Senior class won both the dress-up contest and the BuffPuff volleyball game, giving them a strong advantage over their lowerclassmen. Sophomore Natalie Teal was voted the "Best Dressed Girl," while Senior Shawn Evans was voted the "Best Dressed Boy."
On March 16, the Seniors won the Spirit Day dress-up competition, donning Cardinal Red and Black. Senior Teagen Larsen took home the "Best Dressed Girl" award, and Freshman Blake French was voted the "Best Dressed Boy." Tuesday's game included cornhole, basketball skills, and football tosses. Once again, the Seniors dominated the competition, ending the first half of the school week with a total of 180 points. Sophomores came in second place, with a total of 105 points.
Group B Seniors picked up the lead on Thursday, March 18, winning the Western Dress Up day. Freshmen took home the "Best Dressed" awards, with Abbi Paolino and Jasper Morrow being voted as the top cowfolk. Juniors got a jumpstart on the second half of the competition, securing the first place slot in the class sign painting competition. Seniors were close behind, in second place.
A genuine upset happened on the last day when the freshman class won the second Spirit Day competition, followed by the senior class. Abbi Paolino was voted the "Best Dressed Girl" for the second day in a row, while Senior Quentin Marcum won the "Best Dressed Boy" award. The Senior class made a needed comeback during the yard game competitions.
The Senior Class ended the week with a total of 310 points, followed by the second-place Freshman class, with 228.5. Sophomores placed third, with 182.5 points and juniors brought up the rear with 140 points. Competitions were judged with Waitsburg School District employees.
Class competition games March 16:
Cornhole: seniors – 1st; sophomores – 2nd; freshmen – 3rd; juniors – 3rd
Free throws: seniors – 1st; freshmen – 2nd; sophomores – 3rd; juniors – 4th
3 point shots: seniors – 1st; sophomores – 2nd; freshmen – 3rd; juniors – 4th
Balloon toss: seniors – 1st; sophomores – 2nd; juniors & freshmen – tied
Football toss: seniors – 1st; freshmen – 2nd; sophomores – 3rd – juniors
Class competition games March 19:
Bowling volleyball: seniors – 1st; freshmen – 2nd; sophomores – 3rd; juniors – 4th
Corn hole: freshmen – 1st; juniors – 2nd; sophomores – 3rd; seniors – 4th
Football toss to hula hoop: sophomores – 1st; freshmen – 2nd; seniors – 3rd; juniors – 4th
Lawn darts: freshmen – 1st; seniors – 2nd; juniors & sophomores – tied
Tug-a-War: seniors – 1st; juniors – 2nd; sophomores – 3rd; freshmen – 4th
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