Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

May 26, 2011

[Headline] Dayton Parade a Go, Rodeo a “No”: Fear of equine virus prompts cancellation, parade to be horseless.

“Thank you to all our Veterans who keep us safe and free.” Those were the words of parade co-announcer Fred Hamann Saturday morning moments after Perry Dozier flew his twin-engine Cessna Golden Eagle low over Main Street in a salute to Waitsburg and those who served their country in conflicts since World War II.

April Students of the Month for Waitsburg Elementary are Sierra Vezina (4th Grade), Taylor Jones (5th Grade) and Anna Nerf (5th Grade).

Josh and Vanessa Heim have opened the Heim Print & Design Company in Dayton. “They seem really committed to helping local businesses become more attractive to local customers and visitors,” said Reggie Mace, owner of Mace Mead Works in Dayton.

Steve McMunn and Teeny McMunn have been business partners for almost two and a half decades. They recently moved their carpet store to Dayton’s Main Street. This is not a new venture for McMunn, who runs the store with her ex-husband and longtime business partner Steve McMunn. “Just yesterday, I had five or six walk ins—people are finding us.”

Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 30, 1996

Sarah Wilson has seen everything at the post office in Waitsburg over the last 23 years. Like the time somebody mailed some chickens. “The rooster’s crowing was awful,” Wilson, 57, of Waitsburg recalled. “Finally after three hours of crowing my husband Jim stopped by and thumped on the cage and the rooster quieted down.” Then there was the time there was a snake in the post office...After 23 years, Wilson is retiring.

Main Street Pizza in Waitsburg has requested a renewal of its liquor license and the City of Waitsburg has no objections.

Sarah Harding of Walla Walla has been elected student body executive vice president of Walla Walla Community College. Sonja Baer of Walla Walla will serve as business vice president.

Ms. Yvonne Saranovich of Waitsburg announces the marriage of her daughter, Michele Yvvone Saranovich to Jean-Francois Ricci de Conté on Sunday, Feb. 18, 1996 in the Georgetown Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C.

Fifty Years Ago

June 10, 1971

Memorial services for Dale M. Miller, 18, who lost his life in a jetliner crash last Sunday, will be held at 10 a.m. Friday morning, June 11 at the First Christian Church in Waitsburg.

Tom Keeney, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Keeney, has passed his examination and received his license as an amateur radio operator. He and his dad have an amateur station set up at their home in Wilson Hollow.

Mayor Roy Leid commented to The Times on the problems created by some unseasonable weather conditions before and after the recent Memorial Day weekend. Because of the rain and cool weather, those who would retrieve their plants from gravesites didn’t so the flowers were still there on Friday, June 4 when the City crew had to mow the lawn. The plants, planters and flowers were taken to the City Dump, from which they disappeared a short time later.

My son and I used to make model planes together. Now all he wants to do is sniff the glue.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

June 7, 1946

Miss Alta Hixon became the bride of Clark Daniel June 4 at the Christian Church parsonage with Rev. Hany Anderson performing the ceremony.

Glen Hofer and Raymond Jeremiah returned home this week after getting their discharge from the U.S. Navy after two years in the service.

One Hundred Years Ago

May 27, 1921

Seventy-two members of the Waitsburg High School Alumni Association met at their annual reunion and banquet at Preston Hall last Friday evening. The banquet was handled by the young ladies of the high school student body and it was a very successful affair. Frank Kinder was elected president for the ensuing year.

Mrs. Ad Clark proved herself a royal entertainer Wednesday afternoon when five cars filled with the ladies of the Priscilla Club drove out to her beautiful farm home. The afternoon was spent in social conversation and needlework. Refreshments were served. Guests were Mrs. Evans, Seattle, Mrs. Aubert Wisdom and Mrs. Jennie Hillis.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 2, 1896

Just as we finished writing the notice of the birth of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keiser’s twins, in stepped a reporter to say there was a new baby at Millard Keiser’s, a girl, born on Thursday May 28. The Keisers are all right and don’t need any fixing. ...Read the accounts of cyclones in this issue; drop a tear of sympathy for the unfortunates, then humbly thank God that you live in the favored climate of the Pacific Coast.


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