DAYTON—The Economic Development and Steering Committee met for a regular meeting at noon on Tuesday, June 1.
Port of Columbia Executive Director Jennie Dickinson reported the Port was being awarded another grant from the Innovia Foundation. Prior funding from the foundation provided startup grants for businesses in Dayton that did not qualify for COVID-19 funding, including the Main Street Marketplace and Table Rock Meat Company. Applications for new startup funds will be available for pickup soon, Dickinson said.
The Port received a marketing grant for $50,000 from the State of Washington. Dickinson said that the proposal she submitted was geared towards tourism-related business’ marketing needs.
“Tourism numbers are not what they were before COVID-19 quite yet,” Dickinson said. “Although this last weekend looked a lot more normal!”
According to Dickinson, the funds have to be spent before June 30, and she said that the Port plans on running marketing campaigns within the region, hoping for some advertising in Spokane. Dickinson said it might be possible to help with the Stay and Play package that the Dayton Chamber of Commerce is currently working on.
She was excited to share that the Weinhard Cafe has reopened, and the first two weeks have gone very well for new owners Daniel Rossi and Vicki Sternfield Rossi.
Dickinson reported that she is working with a potential buyer interested in the former Woody’s Bar and Grill on Main Street. She said there still needs to be work done to make the building more attractive to potential buyers, including cleaning food storage areas.
She went on to report that she submitted a $2 million grant application to CERB last Monday. She said that the funding date had been pushed back more than a month to September due to federal funding requirements.
Dickinson said three internet service providers had signed contingency agreements, committing to offer service to Dayton should the Port build a broadband network.
“Letters were sent to all existing internet service providers before the grant went out, asking if they would like to partner with us (the Port),” Dickinson clarified. “That list includes Touchet Valley TV, Pocket iNet, Columbia iConnect, CenturyLink, and Inland Cellular. Of those five letters that went out, I received responses from four of them. Three of them agreed to partner- CenturyLink said they were not in a position to partner.”
Shawn Brown spoke about a joint-planning meeting, with planning commissions from local cities, to discuss the draft of the Regional Housing Plan, to be held June 7 at 7 p.m, via Zoom. Brown said to reach out to the City of Dayton for call-in information.
Dickinson did not have much to report regarding the Touchet Valley Trail project, other than written answers are being prepared for the many community-submitted questions.
The Columbia County Health System is submitting an application to Senator Cantwell’s office, for funding for a childcare center, in partnership with the YMCA.
Columbia County Public Health Director Martha Lanman clarified that Washington State is still following CDC guidelines regarding mask-wearing. Fully vaccinated individuals do not need to wear a face mask unless they are going to be in an area that has unvaccinated people or large crowds, like grocery stores. Unvaccinated people still need to mask. Lanman explained that asking about vaccination status is up to each business.
Columbia County currently has one active case of COVID-19, down from last week’s six cases. She said that the vaccination clinics had been moved to the Public Health building, and they will be hosting a clinic on June 3 from 4 p.m to 6 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. A clinic offering first and second doses of Pfizer will be held Tuesday, June 8, at the Dayton School District, 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Vaccination clinic information will be available later this week.
Shane McGuire represented the Columbia County Health System, expanding on discussions about the vaccination reporting system and clarifying some of the hiccups experienced by the system. He said he appreciated all of the work that Public Health has done to continue to provide the vaccination to Columbia County residents.
McGuire said that the assisted living expansion has been paused, hoping for a price decrease on lumber and other building supplies. He noted that the MedAir, MedGas projects are still moving forward.
Sean Brown reported that the guest turnout for Dayton Days was exceptional. Dayton Chronicle Publisher Loyal Baker said they had to turn a few people away after online ticket sales were closed. He reported that they received many positive comments.
The Chamber of Commerce is working hard to prepare for the upcoming All Wheels Weekend.
Vicki Zoller spoke on behalf of the Friends of the Dayton Community Center and Pool organization, saying that the group has not given up on their efforts. Zoller said that the organization is always looking for new committee members. The committee meets the last Tuesday of the month, in the Delaney Room, at 5 p.m.
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