Ten Years Ago
June 9, 2011
It may seem ironic that Waitsburg Valedictorian Austin Beasley chose a quote from a famous high school dropout to inspire his fellow high school graduates. But the saying from McDonald's fast food chain founder Ray Kroc was on message when it comes to being successful in life. “Where there is no risk, there can be no pride in achievement,” Beasley quoted Kroc as saying. “It is no achievement to walk a tightrope laid flat on the floor.”
Summer vacation starts Friday for hundreds of kids in the Touchet Valley. It will be a time filled with family outings, youth programs, sports camps and many other activities, but one summer pass time still is more popular in the valley than any other: swimming. “Our swimming pool is extremely important,” Dayton City Clerk Trina Cole said. “This is something the children look forward to.”
Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 13, 1996
Blue Mountain Cellular Telephone, known as Cellular One, recently activated a new cellular transmitter in Waitsburg. The transmitter is one-half mile east of Waitsburg and will improve cellular coverage in the Waitsburg and Prescott areas. Reception will also be improved along Highway 12 toward Dayton. “Serving the mobile communications needs of a rural area means continuously enhancing the reach and quality of the services we deliver,” said Duane Wollmuth, of Cellular One.
Emergency crews met recently in Waitsburg and discussed the issue of who should dispatch them once the city begins to use the newly enhanced 911 system, which is being required by state law. Mayor Tom Baker and members of the City Council in Waitsburg discussed the same issue after the emergency crews did. One major unresolved issue is whether the dispatchers in Walla Walla or the dispatchers in Dayton would radio emergency crews once an E-911 call is received.
Fifty Years Ago
June 10, 1971
Lion President Jack McCaw thanked Don Gagnon and Bill Zuger for their help on getting the cook shack ready for the Days of Real Sport. Turk Ely reported 31 man-hours on the Cowboy breakfast where 156 were served, and Bob Patton reported on the refreshment stand at the track which sold over $800.00 for the two days. Patton thanked his committee of Elmer Hays, Carl Henze, Jack Otterson, Turk Ely, Jim Wood, Bill Zuger, and Gene Davis, who put in some 114 man-hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mock, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sickles entertained with a picnic dinner Sunday, June 6, at the Mock home in observance of the 51st wedding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Mock. Also present were Sherrie, Dawn and Steve Sickles, Jan Lingle and Tom Mock.
Greg Zuger was the bicycle champ at the Cycle Derby held at the racetrack last Sunday afternoon by the Waitsburg Youth Center. Greg won the teeter-totter race, the slow race, and the board balancing race.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
June 7, 1946
Old grads of Waitsburg High School faltered back to our verdant valley last weekend as the 43rd annual reunion was called to order. Once again was re-affirmed the feeling of pride that goes with the diploma from the good-looking brick building up Coppei Avenue. Those of us who have left the blackboards of our teenage alma mater and are now involved with budgets and keeping our sprouts in Buster Brown shoes and Tykee Pants, can look back at high school days as perhaps the happiest times of our lives.
DeNova Club met at the home of Mrs. Gail Talbott Thursday, May 16, with Mrs. Morris Ganguet as assistant hostess. Mrs. Jack Penner reported the name of the French child the club adopted and to whom the club will send packages twice a month. Yearbooks were given out for the coming year. New members elected were Mrs. Myron Colburn, Mrs. Jim Stonecipher, and Mrs. Denney Neace. Following the business meeting, Mrs Morris Ganguet, president, was honored with a handkerchief shower. Prizes for the afternoon went to Mrs. Jack Penner and Mrs. Berger Chase.
One Hundred Years Ago
June 10, 1921
With more than sixty horses “rarin’ to go,” the racing cards for Friday and Saturday, of this week, promise to be intensely interesting and some local track records should be broken. Friday has been designated as Dayton Day, and the county seat of Columbia County has signified that she will be here in force accompanied by her excellent bank of 25 pieces. The Dayton bank will also furnish music on Saturday.
Monday’s showers which were accompanied by considerable wind laid low a “right smart” of the heavy fall sown wheat, but it is believed it will straighten up again within a few days. Anyway, the rain did a lot more good than it did harm.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 12, 1896
Our physicians declare that times are exceedingly healthy.
There is to be a new saloon in this city soon.
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