Ten Years Ago
June 23, 2011
One Main Street merchant noted that on Saturday morning, All Wheels looked more like Christmas Kickoff than the hot-tarmac Father’s Day weekend car show Daytonites and visitors have come to expect. But even though the number of families coming to the mobility extravaganza was down this year, the number of cars on Main Street was as big as ever and very few participants complained about the weather.
Half a lifetime ago, Danny Cole made a gutsy move. He was only 25 when he got the help of two silent partners, his dad Ken and Bob Jamison, to buy the grocery store from Jim and Joan Helm. It was called Jim’s Market and it needed a big investment in new inventory, new produce coolers, and a bank of walk-in freezers that would be so big, Cole feared he might have trouble filling it. “We jumped in with both feet and took off running,” he said. A quarter-century later, Cole is celebrating 25 years as owner of the Waitsburg Grocery Store, only a few months after his 50th birthday.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 20, 1996
The class of ’46 celebrated their 50th reunion on May 24 at the home of Tom and Jan (Roberts) Rocconella in Waitsburg. Special entertainment was provided by the Waitsburg quartet. Bob Perry surprised everyone with several old-time songs played on the guitar and harmonica. There were 33 attendees including members of the class of ’45.
Loyal and Kathy Baker, former Waitsburg residents who moved to Deer Park in 1989, announced this week that they will be returning to Waitsburg and are the new publishers of The Times. This issue is the Bakers’ first as owners. Loyal Baker worked as a reporter, photographer, editor and advertising sales representative for the paper from 1981 until 1989, while it was under the ownership of his father and mother, Tom and Anita Baker. Kathy, the daughter of Joan Summers and the late Ted Berry of Walla Walla, is a homemaker and plans to handle the bookkeeping duties at The Times.
Fifty Years Ago
June 17, 1971
Superintendent Gerald Maib told The Times this week that staff hiring for the 1971-71 school year is near completion with two additions to the staff. Doris Huffman, Waitsburg, who recently graduated from Walla Walla College, will take over the second grade position vacated by the retirement of Mrs. Gladys Keve. Mrs. Huffman, a graduate of Wa-Hi, attended E.W.S.C. and received her degree in Elementary Education with a minor in art and history. Mrs. Huffman is married to Marvin and the couple have two children, Martin, a 1971 graduate of Wait-Hi, and Deanna who will be going into the fifth grade.
Thirty-five descendants of the pioneer A.C. Dickinson family gathered Sunday afternoon, at the First Christian Church for a picnic which was to have been held in the park but inclement weather forced the group inside. Family members were greeted locally by Mrs. Della Brunson and Glen Conover. For some of the group, the visit to Waitsburg was the first in fifty years. They came from California, Spokane, Seattle, and other coastal points, as well as Moscow, Id., Colfax and Walla Walla.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
June 21, 1946
Bill Zuger, of the local Boy Scout troop, is one of two boys selected from this area to go to Camp Wallowa at the expense of the Blue Mountain Council, to participate in the Senior Expedition, August 10 to 15.
Bounty on magpies, being paid by the State Game Commission, ends June 30.
Attending the banquet at the Elk’s Club Wednesday evening were Bill Keve, Cal Malone, and Parke Enders.
One Hundred Years Ago
June 24, 1921
Lee Laughery has purchased a new binder and is preparing to begin cutting hay, he being the only one of our farmers lucky enough to not have a crop last year to be harvested late in the fall, therefore he got his fall grain seeded in good season and has a good crop this year.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bateman and children Gladys, Wayne, and Frances attended the Rinehart reunion picnic Saturday at the Singleton grove near Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lloyd drove to Crab Creek Monday to attend the racing program.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 20, 1896
A party of young people surprised James and Peter Loundagin at their Bachelor’s Hall on Thursday evening. They reported having a fine time and lots of strawberries.
A. Carston and F. Woodworth procured a license Thursday for starting a saloon in this city. They will commence business about the last of July.
Mr. Harry Bartmess and Miss Gella Lloyd, daughter of Hon. A. G. Lloyd, were married in Walla Walla Sunday at Mrs. Argos’ by Rev. Duncan Wallace. Only a few relatives and intimate friends were present for the ceremony.
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