Ten Years Ago
July 7, 2011
When they bought their Keystone Montana 5th wheel in September, Lynn and Paul Mantz-Powers knew it would be months before they'd retire. But they were so excited about the prospect of hitting the road and adopting a new nomadic lifestyle this summer that they practically moved out of their adjacent family home on Bolles Road and into their 400-square-foot travel trailer.
One's a cowgirl. One's a mother of two. One's a chef. One's a graduate winemaker. One's a journalist. Coppei Coffee's core team couldn't be more different or their paths to the town's new culinary crossroads more varied. Yet they have more than a few things in common when it comes to their vision and passion for Waitsburg's soon-to-open coffee house on Main Street.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
July 11, 1996
Weller Library may get some upstairs tenants. At least that possibility was discussed by the Waitsburg City Council in its meeting last week. The long-unused apartment above the Weller Library has caught the interest of John Sibis of Waitsburg. Sibis is interested in trading some "sweat equity" for the chance to occupy the space, discussion at the meeting revealed. "In past, it's been looked at as a sweat equity type of apartment [but nothing's ever been done]," commented Mayor Tom Baker. "I think it is the same kind of space as above City Hall, and if we got someone with energy to do something about it, we ought to look at it."
Fifty Years Ago
July 8, 1971
[Photo caption] The Postal Service employees were hosts to customers last Thursday, July 1, as the newly-formed corporation officially was introduced. The Post Office crew baked some goodies and served them up with coffee for about 90 people who came in to recognize the change in status. Here Vivian Rankin and Postmaster Ivan Keve look on as Ruth Hall serves some java to Florence Rees. Florence has a great interest in the Waitsburg Post Office since her great-grandfather, W.N. Smith, was the first Postmaster. He was appointed in the fall of 1866 and served until January 1, 1886. Mr. Smith also had the first store and the first school here.
The Neighbors 4, a popular local quartet of Lee Mantz, Jr., Jack McCaw, Bob Sickles, and Bob Patton, will entertain at the Presbyterian Ice Cream Social to be held on the Church lawn from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (weather permitting). This mid-summer social event has proved attractive to those with a sweet tooth who like to sample the wares of local cake bakers and enjoy a pleasant evening chatting with friends.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
July 12, 1946
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vollmer and their young son moved Wednesday to Prosser, Wash. where they have purchased a new home and where Mr. Vollmer is farming in Horse Heaven.
Stanley Seaton returned Sunday from Wyoming where he made a business trip to sell his first snowplane which he invented and built last year. The plane was sold to a transportation official for carrying mail and passengers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stonecipher and son Buddy arrived recently from El Cerrito, Cal. They plan to make their home in Walla Walla.
One Hundred Years Ago
July 8, 1921
Two harvest crews are to get into the fields Friday according to present plans. Jack Cushin and Frank Zuger are the first to start up this season.
Donald Mikkelsen, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mikkelsen, had the misfortune to break his arm Saturday evening. It was after dark and he stumbled over a dog, falling in such a manner as to break a bone in his arm.
Residents of this valley were astounded upon arising Saturday morning to notice that a blanket of snow had fallen way down on the Blue Mountains.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
July 10, 1896
The Times has made arrangements with the Spokane Twice-a-Week Review whereby both papers will be furnished for the one subscription price of $2 in advance.
Harvest, that is, heading and threshing, will begin the last of next week and the beginning of the week following.
Even the convicts at the penitentiary celebrate the Fourth and give expression to the pride in being in America, the land of the fee and the home of the brave.
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