Although I don't have a "charmed" life, I certainly have it easier than many people. I recognize that in the scheme of things, I have no right to complain. But, I admit, there are some days or weeks when frustrations accumulate, and I begin to feel sorry for myself, like today.
The frustrations began when a few patrons at the restaurant graciously complimented me and told me they enjoyed reading my columns in The Times. I was flattered, then had a mini-anxiety attack thinking about what I will write about this week. People really read the column, and I wanted to think of something new or funny or brilliant. I needed an idea, I don't kid myself, no inspiration here, just ideas.
Then, yesterday I had to yank the second of my zucchini plants because of a bug infestation. If that wasn't frustrating enough, the bugs have now infested my once healthy and prolific cucumber plant. This year, with the lack of tomatoes and an increase in goat head, has been frustrating and discouraging.
Today, I had a meeting via zoom with our accountant, and my new computer needs to authenticate programs when I sign in for the first time. I was nearly so frustrated that I almost threw the machine out the window. Somehow my Zoom program lost the command allowing me to share my screen. Eventually, my accountant shared his screen and we persevered until I was interrupted constantly with random sales calls.
Daniel is in Los Angeles for a few days, so I don't even have him as my venting person. I was forced to vent to Mugsy, who just looks at me like I'm nuts when I have one of my mini rants. To add insult to injury, he seems to be arrogantly pointing at the hedge of tomato plants he thinks he planted last summer just by stomping through the garden.
I knew it was time for me to find a Happy Place for the day. Daniel's happy place is Home Depot, my mother's was any restaurant, my father's was teaching or sitting at home in his recliner watching basketball or an old western movie.
In Los Angeles, I had several happy place options. Meeting friends for tennis, followed by dinner or drinks (usually both), with a stop at TJ Max for some quick shopping. Another is at the mall for window shopping. Ikea was another place that could be a fun distraction. My friend Patricia and I could spend hours there, buying nothing except lunch.
After my short-lived pity party this morning, I regrouped and decided to do something that I wanted to do. Since there are no nearby malls, no Ikea, and limited tennis options, it took me a few hours to figure out my Happy Place for the day.
After about a half-hour of ruminating, I gassed up the Mustang, lowered the convertible top, plugged in the phone, found my favorite playlist, and headed to Tri-Cities for a Costco run. Yep, I'm easily amused these days.
Daniel always reminds me that any savings from a Costco run are probably outweighed by the time, gas, and the wear and tear on my car driving the hour there and back. And maybe he's right. It turned out that driving through the newly harvested fields, with the top down and music blaring, is my Happy Place, and maybe I saved a few pennies too.
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