Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Walla Walla County Board of Health: Community Health Advisory Board member positions open.

WALLA WALLA —Walla Walla County Board of Health (WWBOH) seeks member applications for the Community Health Advisory Board (CHAB). The CHAB’s primary responsibility is to assist the WWBOH and the Department of Community Health (DCH), including the following:

• Provide input to the local board of health in the recruitment of local administrator/director and local health officer

• Use a health equity framework to conduct local health needs assessment and health improvement planning efforts.

• Promote public participation in these efforts

• Evaluate proposed public health policies and programs and assure local needs and concerns are being met

• Provide community forums and hearings as assigned by the local board of health

• Review and make recommendations on local health jurisdiction annual budgets and fees

• Review and advise on local health jurisdiction progress, performance measures, and outcomes

Washington State legislation, HB1152, passed in 2021 and changed the composition of the current CHAB. WWBOH and DCH are recruiting members to assure diversity and representation from marginalized communities while meeting the new composition guidelines.

Local advisory board members include 9 – 21 members that are appointed by the local board of health. The local health officer and a local board of health member will hold ex officio positions. The composition of the other members of the local advisory board will include:

A. Members with expertise and experience with:

Health care access and quality; Physical environment, including built and natural environments; Social and economic sectors, including housing, basic needs, education, and employment; Business and philanthropy; Communities that experience health inequities; Government; and Tribal communities and tribal government.

B. Consumers of public health services

C. Community members with lived experience in any of the areas listed in (A) and

D. Community stakeholders, including nonprofit organizations, the business community, and those regulated by public health.

Advisory board members serve staggered three-year terms, select chair, and vice-chair members. Staffing for the advisory board shall be provided by the local health jurisdiction, the Department of Community Health. The advisory board meets monthly, and these meetings are subject to the open public meetings act.

Time commitments to this board include a one-afternoon board meeting monthly (usually the second Thursday of the month). Board members must show a connection to Walla Walla County (examples include county residents, users of services, service providers to residents, employers, business owners) and be willing to attend monthly afternoon board meetings.

Application forms may be obtained from the County website ( or the Walla Walla County Commissioners’ Office, County Public Health and Legislative Building, 314 W. Main/P.O. Box 1506, Walla Walla, or by calling the Commissioners’ Office at (509) 524-2505. Application packets may also be obtained from the Department of Community Health (DCH), 314 W. Main, Rose Street Entrance/P.O. Box 1753, Walla Walla, or by calling the DCH office at (509) 524-2650. Interested persons are encouraged to call or email ( questions regarding these openings.

Completed applications must be returned to the county commissioners’ office by September 10, 2021. Applications may be dropped off, mailed, or emailed. As a part of the selection process, applicants should expect to be interviewed.


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