Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

September 1, 2011

The Waitsburg-Prescott cheer squad will soar to new heights this football season because of a larger squad and lots of returning veterans. “We have a lot of athletic girls and a lot of experience,” Coach Vickie Hamann said. “The girls were vey enthusiastic.” The football cheer squad totals 13 girls this year, nine on varsity and four on junior varsity. Hamann is taking on her fifth year as coach and says she is thrilled by the larger turnout.

[Photo Caption] Sam McGowen (far left) plays the fiddle with Emma and Chris Philbrook in celebration of Ivan Keve’s 90th birthday Monday at the Waitsburg Hardware & Mercantile Store. Keve is in the light-blue shirt in the middle of the picture. The three youngsters are members of the bluegrass band the Rezonators.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 5, 1996

The Columbia County Fair, this year tabbed “The Days of Swine and Roses,” begins today, Thursday, Sept. 5. Opening event for Dayton’s annual celebration will be the Mud Racing and Tough Trucks Obstacle Course, which starts at 7 p.m. Hostesses for this year’s edition are Tara Cunningham, 18, daughter of Claudia and David Cunningham, and Jennifer Richter, 17, daughter of Carl and Sue Richter. Both young women attend Dayton High School and are active in school and extracurricular activities.

Fifty Years Ago

September 2, 1971

The drive for membership in the Waitsburg Historical Society, which started the first week of June, has produced some interesting side-lights as the returns from the letters of invitation continues to arrive. The letters, which explained the purpose of the organization, i.e., to restore the Bruce House and transform it into the Bruce Memorial Museum, and to preserve the heritage of the Touchet Valley, has created a nostalgia for the “old hometown,” and the memory of growing up here or visiting. To the towns-people who see the house every day, it has been for so many years, “that eye-sore on the corner that somebody should do something about.” Now with the formation of the Historical Society, something is being done about it thru the monetary contributions and membership fees, and the labor that has been donated for its restoration. The property itself was received from the estate of the late Miss Fanny E. Weller.

Head Wait-Hi football coach Dick Kinart told The Times that his squad is beginning to shape up after a week of practice with nearly 40 suited up for practice. Assisting Kinart with coaching responsibilities are Wayne Henderson and Dave Harshman, while Jr. High Coaches Orval Hagerman and Ken Haralson have been helping out with an objective of passing fundamentals on to their charges and thus ensure a continuity in the Waitsburg football program.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

September 6, 1946

B. Loyal Smith, the newly-appointed Walla Walla County engineer, took up his duties in the County highway office Tuesday morning and is starting at once to assume direction of the department, which has been leaderless since the resignation of Nelson M. Collier several weeks ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Denny Neace have moved to the Neace ranch formerly occupied by the Bill Vollmers.

Lyle Huwe is having a week’s vacation from the Mill Stream Dairy, the result of a spill from his motorcycle which injured one arm and leg.

One Hundred Years Ago

September 2, 1921

Miss Julia Ramseur, bookkeeper at Hayes and Shuford hardware, spent her vacation at Wallawa Lake. She returned home Sunday.

Ira L. Chew, roof painter, who seems to have an exceptionally efficient roof-paint, just completed the repainting of the tin roof of The Times building this week.

R. H. McKenzie and Frank Zuger left by auto early Thursday morning for Portland where they will participate in the shooting tournament being held there the latter part of the week.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 4, 1896

Levi Ankeny and sons passed through town on Tuesday morning. The party were out on a chicken hunt.

Miss Ella Hungate of Walla Walla was the guest of W. J. Duncan and family several days this week.

Married in Walla Walla May 31, 1896, Fred J. Aldrich and Miss Angeline Lloyd, a daughter of Hon. A. G. Lloyd. This seems a rather late date to announce the marriage of this worthy young couple, but the reason is no one knew of it until last Saturday when it was decided to make it public.


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