Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

October 6, 2011

Dayton had its moment in the sun on Saturday as it displayed the best it has to offer including historic homes, flourishing businesses, and plenty of local art for its event Dayton on Tour. Visitors had a chance to pick up a guidebook and walk into historical homes in town that had recently been renovated. Jennie Dickinson, a volunteer for the Dayton Historic Depot, said the home tours are her favorite part of Dayton on Tour, especially the Broughton Mansion this year. “It’s like a museum,” Dickinson said.

Waitsburg High School has two new faces this year and those faces look just like the regular students, they’re just from abroad. Franchesco Nobili, 18, and Katharina Koch, 15, are spending time in Waitsburg this school year to learn about the culture and the country they’ve seen in the movies. “I thought it would change my life,” Nobili said. “A different country could open my mind.”

Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 10, 1996

Michael Good, 25, of Kennewick, is the new deputy marshal for the Waitsburg Marshal’s Office. Good was approved by the Waitsburg City Council at its meeting Oct. 2 on the recommendation of Marshal Mike Guay. Good’s first day on the job was Oct. 7. The selection was made following a rigorous testing and evaluation process by a panel of law enforcement personnel from local agencies. Nearly 100 applications were winnowed down to three primary candidates, who underwent physical fitness, written and oral examinations by the board.

The Waitsburg Cardinal running attack, led by senior fullback Lucas Mohney and senior runningback James Riggs, racked up over 200 yards on its way to a 19-0 victory over Lyle on a windy, rainy Homecoming Friday. Six-foot-three, 205-pound Mohney plowed up 108 yards in 18 carries and Riggs’ night carrying the ball garnered 30 yards on ten carries including a five-yard touchdown run in the third quarter.

Fifty Years Ago

October 7, 1971

[Photo Caption] When the Times cameraman walked by Bill Thompson and Bud Howell during the Salmon bake, Bill said to Bud “Here comes the photographer.” Bud must have heard it “Here comes the doctor,” because he whirled and stuck out his tongue. He did look quite well from this distance. The usual price on those out-of-office calls is $10, Mr. Howell!

A reception honoring Chuck and Trish Turner, Washington State Grange Young Couple of the Year will be held Sunday, October 10, 1971, between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend this affair which will be held at the Jr. Exhibit Building at the Fairgrounds in Dayton. Chuck and Trish, representing Upper Whetstone Grange 1034 and Columbia County Pomona Grange were chosen over many contestants to represent the State of Washington in the National contest for Young Couple of the Year honors.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

October 11, 1946

The first annual walla Walla Shrine Club benefit football game will be held Friday evening at Borleske Stadium between Dayton High School and WaHi Blue Devils.

The new state highway from Prescott to Waitsburg was completed Wednesday. The crew will remain in Waitsburg for another two weeks or longer crushing rock and stockpiling for later use.

One Hundred Years Ago

October 7, 1921

Samuel W. Southard Post, American Legion will give an “Apple Knockers” dancing party Saturday night at the Legion Hall as a complement to the many out-of-towners working in the surrounding orchards.

Miss May Wright and Mr. Harold Allison were quietly married Saturday morning Oct. 6th at Walla Walla.

Miss Blanche Stonecipher entertained the Lambda Sigma of the high school at a special meeting Wednesday at which three girls were taken into the society. They were Miss Sereta Patton, Miss Martha Billups and Miss Margaret Zuger.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 9, 1896

Married in Huntsville Wednesday, Oct. 7, at the home of the bride, Miss Nellie Hawks to Mr. Charles Harris. Both of the young people are well-known in this city.

If you are looking for a good thing, just put a dollar into your pocket and go to J. W. Morgans and get a bottle of Taliquitso Cordial, the great blood purifier. He guarantees it.

During the last two weeks, a large amount of grain has been stolen in various portions of the county. The officers are of the opinion that S. L. Lawton recently arrested, is the leader of a gang organized to work throughout the county.


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