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Sports, new truancy officer covered at Dayton School Board meeting

DAYTON- The Dayton School board held its regular School Director’s meeting at 6 p.m. on October 20, 2021.

The board approved the consent agenda, which consisted of the minutes for the September 15, 2021 Board Meeting, a donation from Walla Walla Toyota of $2000 to the Associated Student Body (ASB), hiring both Owen Lanning as Middle School Boys Basketball Coach and Jeannie Walter as Freshman Class Advisor.

Also in the consent agenda was the recommendation to hire Melanie Morgan as Senior Class Advisor and finally, a recommendation to accept Danny Eden as a volunteer assistant for the basketball program. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously. 

One community member spoke during public comments. Pearl Dennis commented that she would be interested in knowing how much of the Dayton School District taxpayer funds get sent off to the National School Board Association (NSBA) each year. She continued by saying, “I’m sure everybody knows the National School Board Association sent a letter to the US Attorney General identifying dissenting parents as being akin to domestic terrorists.” [The NSBA letter sent to the President on September 29, 2021, asked for assistance to protect students, school board members, and educators from “the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation...”] Ms. Dennis continued, “I want to hear back from the board. This is a board question whether you consider the parents who have been at School Board meetings as being akin to terrorists [sic]. Just understand that, and if the answer is no, then I’d like to have you tell me how you’re responding to your national organization...”

Chairman Dave Bailey said he would get back to Ms. Dennis with an answer by email.

The next agenda item was the ASB report, represented by Grace Trump. She spoke of upcoming Halloween events and gave a complete report on the recent homecoming activities. 

The Athletic Director, Sam Korslund, in his report, informed the board that the fall sports season was wrapping up and that winter sports would be beginning soon. He mentioned that middle school basketball would be starting soon than originally planned. The reason for the early start was that DW withdrew from the Mid Columbia Middle School Athletics Association. Too many of the scheduled games were to be held a great distance away which involved long, expensive bus trips. Instead, the Middle School football team will be playing DeSales, Prescott, and Touchet Schools, which are not only closer but should provide more equally matched games. 

Mr. Korslund talked about the coaching situation and how it is sometimes difficult to get the requisite number of practices in before the first game of the season.

Mr. Korslund also spoke about new State requirements for all student-athletes in winter sports to either be vaccinated or submit to a COVID test before each game. The school district has already received 2000 rapid COVID tests at no cost to the school district, which should be enough to test all athletes before every game, vaccinated or not. Board Member Jeff McCowen asked if the testing would be done in a manner that would ensure it was not made known to the other athletes which ones were vaccinated, and which were not. Mr. Korslund said they were working on a protocol that would ensure the privacy of all students. Mr. Strot mentioned that one way to do this would be to test all participants before each game, not just the unvaccinated students.

The last topic of the Athletic Director’s report was concerning an item brought up at the last school board meeting, a determination on whether the DW Combine meetings were subject to the Open Meetings Act. The school’s legal counsel advised that committee meetings were probably exempt. The committee would normally make recommendations to the School Boards and the School Boards would vote on items when appropriate. Mr. Korslund was expecting that the issues concerning the DW Combine Committee would be a Board agenda but Mr. Bailey said he would to see a markup copy of the bylaws before the topic is put on the board’s agenda.

Amy Cox, the Elementary Principal gave the Elementary School Report. She mentioned how pleased she was with the new school counselors and how they met a real need. She expressed that she could even use more counselors. Ms. Cox said that the book fair went really well and she was looking forward to the students reading all the new books they bought. She spoke positively about Jami Rushing, the new Title 1 Director and Assessment Coordinator. The data from these tests which Ms. Rushing supervises, help identify students that may need some more focused support. 

The Elementary School is starting to get some data from their Behavior Management System which indicated that most behavioral problems happen on the playground. She is working on getting more adults to supervise playground activities before school and at lunchtime. Also, the fourth-grade teacher had to take a leave of absence and Hannelee Farrell volunteered to replace the teacher. Ms. Cox is now looking for someone to take Ms. Farrell’s former position as Computer and Technology teacher. Finally, Kindergarten teacher Morgan Stone resigned and interviews for her replacement should begin soon.

Dayton Secondary School report by Principal Kristina Brown began with her re-emphasizing the importance of the school counselors and behavior intervention specialist.

Dayton Secondary School had its first early release school, instead of Saturday school, with 30-40 kids participating. Lunch was provided. Ms. Brown thanked Ms. Pearl Dennis and staff members for helping students catch up on some of their work. 

Superintendent Guy Strot presented his report which included his plans to increase certified substitutes, a strategic plan update, and discussed how the administrative staff is working on reorganizing. He expects that their duties will be finalized over the next month. Mr. Strot also spoke briefly about the District’s ambitious 90 Day and 1 Year Plan. 

Veronica Perez presented the Budget Status Report which had nothing unusual to report. The full text of the Budget Status Report along with the Superintendent’s report may be found on the school district’s website (

The action items for the Board consisted of approving the first readings of 3 slightly revised policies and the recommendation to hire Angie Alleman as the District’s Truancy Officer. Ms. Alleman is already employed as the MS/HS Secretary and the Truancy Officer will consist of additional duties to meet State requirements for truant students, for which she will be paid a stipend. 

At 7 p.m. the Board went into Executive Session to discuss a complaint against a public employee.

At 7:21 p.m. the Board reconvened to take action on the Superintendent’s recommendation to the board to have a nondisciplinary dismissal of Bill Massey. The Board voted 3-1 for dismissal with Board Member Fred White voting against.

The next Board Meeting will be a work session at 6 p.m. on November 3, 2021.


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