Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Who said, "Don't sweat the small stuff?"

I doubt the person credited with that expression didn’t have a good grip on reality. Recently, I have learned that the “small stuff” becomes “big stuff” when it happens in a condensed time frame. As things pile up, what should have been a “small thing” can become a major annoyance or worse. Yesterday, I felt like Peter Finch in the movie Network. I was on the brink of screaming out my window: “I can’t take it anymore!!”

I am usually very even-tempered. Unlike Daniel and my sister, I can take most frustrations in stride. But these past few days have been pushing me. It may be an exercise in futility to maintain my equilibrium. Imbalance has become my new normal, and even Mugsy is looking at me perplexed as I walk around talking to myself.

It started Thursday evening when I reminded Daniel that I had to make a quick trip to Walla Walla for a 9:04 a.m. COVID-19 booster shot appointment.

Daniel said, “Well, since you’re going to Walla Walla, stop at US Foods; here’s the shopping list, and then Butcher Butcher for these items.”

My quick trip became a timing challenge. I need to be at the café on time for the pre-opening rituals. (Make iced tea, fill the ice bucket at the bar, turn on machines, lights, etc.). Somehow, I made it with five minutes to spare before our 11:30 opening time.

Often, I have the luxury of time because most of our patrons don’t show up for lunch at 11:30 on the dot. However, last Friday, just my luck, we had a couple with their noses pressed up against the door at 11:29 waiting for us to open.

To add to the rush of Friday and Saturday, we were short-staffed by one. Considering there are only three of us, that equates to: one-third of our staff is missing. Of course, this adds stress to me and much more so on Daniel. But, we persevered, stayed away from each other, the knives, and had a large glass of wine when service and cleaning were done.

This Sunday, Daniel took off on a quick trip to Los Angeles for some medical appointments. He also had time for dinner at a good restaurant with a former colleague, which I knew he would enjoy. I was happy to have a break; I had a list of things I would be able to accomplish without interruption. (Clean the house, laundry, plant tulips, clean the rest of the yard, and give out Halloween candy). But that was not to be!

A friend asked if I could take her to Walla Walla for a quick trip to Walgreen’s for her flu shot. I agreed, and off we drove to Walla Walla. Just as I was about to make the left turn onto 9th Street, she let me know that, oops, she meant Rite Aid on Isaacs. We reversed directions, and she got her shot. Since we were already in town, we did some grocery shopping and gassed up my car. When I eventually got home, I tossed out my “to-do” list.

Today, when I was trying to finish the laundry, I had an urgent call from a client, which made me late for my CPA appointment in Walla Walla. As luck would have it when I turned onto Coppei, a semi-truck was ahead of me creeping along, making me even later, and the small things seemed to be winning. The good news is that I was able to pass him and discover that my car could go 95 mph with ease and grace, and I didn’t get a ticket!


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