What are the odds that this Thanksgiving would be as good if not better than my first “Friendsgiving” in Waitsburg? My first pre-Covid-19 gathering was terrific. It was the group effort, no stress, no driving, good food, good friends’ day that is, in my opinion, a perfect way to spend the holiday. In movies the sequel is usually disappointing compared to the first, but not this Thanksgiving-it was the best, even with some of my Covid trepidation.
This year some of “our gang” had out of town visitors. All were vaccinated and had their boosters (if eligible), but it was still a little concerning for me. I am hopeful that there are no incidents of anyone becoming ill. So far, so good. Did we beat the odds? The masking and vaccines appear to have been worthwhile.
What are the odds that I would be playing tennis this Sunday, two days before December, in 66-degree weather, outdoors at Waitsburg High School in a light T-shirt? I would not have taken that bet, yet there we were! We did have to take our brooms and clear the courts of the prior night’s rain, but we played and enjoyed the unlikely but welcome balmy weather.
The puddles on the court were somewhat a challenge, but who cares, it’s tennis and outdoors! Speaking of odds – about two percent of the court surface had puddles, yet probably seventy-five percent of my shots, landed in them.
More odds in my favor included the fun we had this weekend with our visitors. Always a little scary when the visitors staying with you are a family you haven’t met. But Daniel’s friend, his wife and two children, came to spend Thanksgiving with us. They were the best! The “kids” who are seventeen and thirteen were the only “youngsters” at our Friendsgiving feast. Yet, they were poised, ate with gusto, fit in with everyone easily, and swore they enjoyed themselves. I think the saving grace for Alina (the thirteen-year-old), was what we thought were olives on the hors d’oeuvre table, were chocolate covered almonds, she was thrilled.
Again, the odds were in my favor. Maria, (Mom), worked her way through college as a waitress, then restaurant manager, while her husband Juan has worked with Daniel for over twenty years at the culinary school. Without a doubt, the private party we had at the restaurant Friday night, were treated to great food and exemplary service. The kids were enlisted to wash dishes, help clear tables, and clean the kitchen at the end of the night. Best of all, I left there sane, in a better mood, and not totally exhausted. The entire Thanksgiving weekend was perfect for me.
However, as the odds have it; peace and good times didn’t linger. This morning, when Daniel went into the guest house to start work on his computer; the sound of gushing water in the bathroom got his immediate attention. Behold, the pipe that broke before, broke again! This is new plumbing, and already repaired once. Good luck finding a plumber on a Monday morning, after a holiday! After a few calls, we found one. Maybe the third plumber and the third repair, will be the charm. Because repairing the repairs is getting tiresome and frustrating, besides expensive.
The timing on the burst pipe couldn’t be more inconvenient. There is a stack of laundry from this weekend, dirty clothes, floors, toilets and tubs to clean. Odds are good that I will curse the last two plumbers, cross fingers that the third repair is the charm, and look back on a terrific holiday weekend.
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