Ten Years Ago
December 22, 2011
The WP Cardinals aren’t just the toast of Waitsburg, which honored the team with a special dinner sponsored by the Commercial Club at the Town Hall last Thursday – the 2011 2B state football champions are the toast of the entire state. Quarterback Zach Bartlow last week was named Player of the Year on the Washington Associated Press All-State football team as voted by writers and editors from around Washington. It’s the highest honor any football player can receive in his division. His father, WP head coach Jeff Bartlow, was named Coach of the Year by the Seattle Times.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 26, 1996
[Photo Caption] Waitsburg Lions Club Turkey Smoke Chairman Wayne Peterson, left, and club member John Lindsey tote one of the last trays of smoked turkeys from the barbecue pit, located near the Lions’ Cookshack at the Days of Real Sports grounds. The service club smokes and sells the birds as a fund-raising project, which it, in turn, contributes back to the community. All 396 turkeys smoked during the Christmas segment of the project have been sold, Peterson reported.
Fifty Years Ago
December 23, 1971
Dear Santa, I am a little girl and my name is Tammie. I would like to tell you want I want for Xmas. I would like a set of dishes and a smart pants doll and a jump rope and some Barbie clothes for my Barbie and a jewelry box. I know it’s a lot but that what I wish. Thank you, Tammie Leroue (First Grade).
Dear Santa, I would like to have a poncho and a record player for Christmas I have tried to be a good girl. Love, Lianna Lightfoot (First Grade).
Dear Santa Claus, Will you get me a bag of marbles? And I hope you have a good time. Your friend, Paul Pressler (Second Grade).
Seventy-Five Years Ago
December 27, 1946
Jackie Alexander and Ruth Wolfe will add to the nucleus of a good first year team in basketball at Eastern Washington College of Education. Both girls played for Wait-Hi and received their training under Miss Ruth Gray.
Caroline Louise Davis was honored on her sixth birthday Monday at a party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis. Five little friends enjoyed the occasion.
Over 130 attended the Legion Auxiliary turkey feed last week which was a very successful and enjoyable affair. Jim Stonecipher and Johnny Romine were in charge of arrangements.
One Hundred Years Ago
December 23, 1921
Coach Jack Kinder presented grey “W’s” to the football men at a banquet Tuesday evening. Getting the awards were captain Mount Shaffer, Ward Guntle, Orville Fox, Craig Vining, Arden Archer, Gail Shiltz, Elmer Sayers, George Kanz, Herman Breeze, Ronald Graham, Hubert Kinder, Leland Kessler, Fred Carver, and Caroh Scrimsher.
“The Evergreen” Confectionary of which M. H. Cox is the proprietor, is preparing to improve its already fine plant by the installation of a 3-ton ice machine and refrigerating plant.
Miss Charlotte Kingman who is attending the state normal school at Ellensburg arrived home on Saturday to spend the holidays.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 25, 1896
The Young Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor of the Christian Church gave a “Lemon Social” at the residence of T. J. Hollowell this evening which promises to surpass anything previously given by that society.
Arthur Roberts this week finished cleaning out the tailrace and making numerous other improvements at the electric light plant and now there need be no fear but that we will have lights every night – high water or no high water.
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