WAITSBURG-This year, residents across the country have noticed some streetlights are turning purple. There have been theories that they scan for COVID-19 vaccinations, wards off vampires, or are just better for the environment. None of this is true. We still have to take our chances with vampires.
The change to purple is due to a manufacturer's defect. It could be an issue with the coating or a chip in the LED bulb.
There are quite a few in this area. The power company has replaced some only to have others go purple.
To replace the defective bulbs, residents should take the pole number of the affected light. And contact Waitsburg City Administrator, Randy Hinchliffe who will contact the power company.
There will also be street maintenance throughout the city next week. Please be careful and keep our city workers safe as they work. Hinchliffe said the crew would be working next week, Monday through Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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