Celebrating Retirement
My first year of retirement from Waitsburg Schools just zipped by! I went with three of my four sisters on my first zipline adventure to commemorate the occasion. It zipped by also!
The Coeur d'Alene 7-line zip tour consisted entirely of tree-top platforms. There were two high-swinging sky bridges to cross, and twice we belayed down to the next level. There is not a lot of walking in this family-friendly adventure; just zipping along above Beauty Bay, through trees and gorgeous scenery.
Timberline Adventures starts with a 12-mile van ride; after putting on your gear, you ride in a UTV on a mile-long, 800- foot vertical climb to get to the first platform. The guides are very safety-oriented, have great personalities, and make the adventure more enjoyable with suggestions for different ways to zip, including "showing faith" by going backward, "the jellyfish" or "the spiderman" move while belaying.
Give Timberline Adventures a try if you are at least seven years old and between 80 and 260 pounds. You won't be disappointed.
Thanks to my sisters, Sandra who gifted me the zipline adventure, and Janet and Joanie who joined the celebration. Time does Zip by!
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