Ten Years Ago
June 28, 2012
One of Waitsburg’s best-kept secrets is on Arnold Lane, tucked back behind sweet, country houses. For the past four years, those who have driven down Arnold Lane have noticed or even stopped at the produce stand run by Ed and Cathy Lambert. And the Lambert’s, though unseen from the street, have six gardens full of ripening produce fresh for the picking and selling every summer. Ed’s family has lived in the house on Arnold his whole life. He and his wife Cathy raised their four children there, Kelly, Scott, Casey and Chad. Now all of the children are in their late twenties to mid-30s.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
July 3, 1997
[Photo Caption] The newly refurbished Waitsburg City Swimming Pool held a Grand Opening last Friday. Free swimming for the day was kicked off by a ribbon-cutting ceremony as Mayor Tom Baker, assisted by Councilman Mark Lambert (behind Baker) performed a short ceremony opening the pool. The facility has seen extensive use by local swimmers.
Fifty Years Ago
June 29, 1972
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gohlman entertained with a surprise birthday party for their son-in-law, Mr. Patrick Christiansen, last Saturday evening. Inclement weather forced the lawn party and midnight buffet to be held indoors. The following were present: the Patrick Christiansens’, Gary Thomas’, John Paynes’, Charles Zugers’, Mike Hubbards’, Robert Abbeys’, Clyde Shaws’, of Puyallup, and Marc Zuger.
Honored on the 50th anniversary of their high school graduation from Prescott were these four representatives of the Class of ’22, Rex L. Clapp, Prescott; Lela Kinder Edland, Seattle; Ernestine Fletcher Patton from South Dakota and Rowena Helen Farrens, Edmonds.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
July 4, 1947
William Westerman has accepted the position of agriculture instructor and Smith-Hughes supervisor in the Waitsburg High School for the coming term.
A six-weeks-old Bald Eagle, a pet of Kenneth Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Jones, has become master of the farmyard and has also become a fond pet for Kenneth.
Florence M. Rees expects to leave July 8 for Boston and the New England states for a three weeks vacation trip. She plans to visit many points of historic interest going from Montreal to Québec and down the St. Lawrence River returning home by way of Bauff, Lake Louise and the Canadian Rockies.
One Hundred Years Ago
June 30, 1922
Lewis Neace and family, Donald Neace and family, Charles Neace and family, Mrs. Dollie Patton and two children, Sereta and Lewis, and Roland Allen left Sunday morning by auto for a two week’s fishing and sightseeing trip into the Rogue River district of Oregon.
The city fathers are going to discard the rather – dilapidated – looking “city-jitney” which has graced (?) the front of the city for several years past. Tuesday there was purchased a new 1 ton Ford truck, equipped with pneumatic tires all around.
We note this week with a good deal of pleasure that the old “disused” barn on the M. H. Keiser place which faced Orchard Street is being torn down and the lumber hauled elsewhere. This will help the looks of the street considerably.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
July 2, 1897
Miss Olive Parker closed a very successful term of school in the Alto District on last Friday. They had a very good dinner after which a literary program was rendered, at the close of which Miss Parker gave each pupil a souvenir card which is a very neat keepsake.
Misses Lizzie Wills, Lizzie Wisdom, Lena Balch, Janet Ingraham, Anna Arnold, Jasie Parker, Cleo Beeler, Oda Wright, Lenna Smith from this city are attending Teacher’s Institute at Dayton this week.
While returning from Salmon River this week Sam Morrison was thrown from a cart and his left arm severely sprained.
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