Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Columbia Port regular meeting update

DAYTON – The Columbia Port Commissioners held their regular meeting at 5:00 p.m., July 13, 2022, at the Port of Columbia and on Zoom. Port Executive Director Jennie Dickinson attended remotely using Zoom. Members of the public attended using Zoom and in person.

The Commissioners approved the last meeting minutes, budget report, and vouchers.

Dickinson reported on port properties. She said the non-profit Southeast Washington Alliance for Health would rent two suites at the Cameron Street Coworking, and Columbia River Detailing is moving into 521 Cameron. The Port currently has no vacant rental space.

Lyon’s Ferry Marina and RV Park is still awaiting delivery of its Conestoga Wagons.

Sweet Cheeks Baked Goods and Smuggler’s Tea are new users of the Blue Mountain Station commercial kitchen. Tracy Hollenbeck the owner of Sweet Cheeks Bakeshop hopes to move the business to a downtown location in the future.

Dickinson said the owner of the building that once housed Woody’s, is having trouble selling it because it shares a wall with the fire-damaged Eagles building. The owner does not have access to assess the damage necessary to make repairs. An assessment of damage is essential before the former Woody’s building can finalize a sale.

According to Dickinson, Columbia Pulp is still working through the receivership process and hopes to sell as soon as this autumn.

Dayton Chamber of Commerce Director Belinda Larsen expanded on her presentation to the City Council the night before. She said Vikki and Jason Griffin, the owners of Vikki’s Sweet Shop purchased the commercial building next to their rented storefront. They have tentative plans for the building, potentially including apartments and a laundromat.

Dickinson spoke about ways the Port may assist in developing more affordable housing in Columbia County. She discussed other models that other ports use to include housing in a development plan, which would also have to include commercial development.

Housing and commercial development plans would need to be included in the Port’s comprehensive plan. Dickinson said the process of updating the comprehensive plan would begin after a consultant in the process is hired.

Dickinson reported on the status of the broadband project. The Port is working on franchise agreements with the City and County to allow the Port to build a telecommunications system on their right-of-way.

Inland Cellular and Columbia iConnect are the two ISPs who will provide broadband fiber service to local customers after the project is completed. The Port will begin public outreach to offer customers early registration for service while the system is under construction. Customers who sign-up early will receive their home connection or “drop” for free as the costs would be included in the Port’s construction cost. Also, the Port is working on insurance for the broadband project.

Port Commission Chair Genie Crowe adjourned the meeting at 6:04 p.m.


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