Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Around the Valley: with Karen Huwe

Eagle Cap Train Rides

The fall season is a great time to take a day trip to ride the Eagle Cap Excursion Train. The train leaves Elgin, Oregon, and travels along the Grande Ronde and Wallowa Rivers on a section of the historic Joseph Branch rail line.

I have taken the train twice; both were "train robbery" adventures. The first time the robbers took our jewels and the last time they took our money. The event is kid friendly, and the fake jewels and money are provided.

You're riding along enjoying the scenery when behind the trees you hear "gun fire" and robbers on horseback ride up and jump onto the train. They enter the train and proceed to take the passengers valuables, the provided jewels and money. If no passenger resists, the robbers leave peacefully, and the train continues its journey.

This time of year, you get to enjoy the fall colors along the river, see fisherman casting for trout, see wildlife and the occasional eagle. Trips includes a box lunch, snack and drink. You ride through timber and along basalt cliffs. The train has a lot of huge windows for easy sightseeing.  Some trips allow you to get off the train and stretch your legs. 

The Eagle Cap Train Rides website describes the various trips available, including Fall Foliage, End of Season Bounty, and the Big Foot Train Two Rivers rides.

There are still rides available this season. On Oct 1 is the Bigfoot Train Two Rivers ride with Bigfoot experts Scot and Hannah Violette, from on board to help share information. Oct 8 is the Two Rivers Bonus Ride; fall colors and rugged scenery are the highlights. Two Fall Foliage trips will take place Oct 15 and 16, and End of the Season Bounty are scheduled for Oct 22 and 23. The 2023 season starts up again next May.

Ride the rails.  Enjoy the scenery. 


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