Dear Editor
After attending the Sheriff’s candidate forum on 9/26/22, I have some concerns.
Our Sheriff’s Department has a code of ethics signed by every officer. Historically, most police ethics focus on the relationship between the police and the public. What an officer does off duty weighs as heavily on the public as what they do on duty.
A section of the Columbia County’s Sheriff’s office code of ethics states:
“While I consider the way I choose to conduct my private affairs a personal freedom, I accept the responsibilities for my actions, as well as inactions, while on-duty or off duty, when those actions bring disrepute on the public image of my employer, my fellow officers, and the law enforcement profession.”
“I will affirmatively seek ways to avoid conflicts and potential conflicts of interest that could compromise my official authority or public image.”
“I hold the authority inherent in my position to be an affirmation of the public’s trust in me as a law enforcement officer. I do not take this trust lightly. As long as I remain in this position, I will dedicate myself to maintaining this trust and upholding all the ideals of the law enforcement profession.”
That said, Undersheriff Patterson appears to violate the code of ethics he signed and the Columbia County personnel policy. Undersheriff Patterson is an “at-will employee” and he is subject to disciplinary action as cited on page 16 of the manual under examples of inappropriate activities:
“Use of religious, political and fraternal influence.”
There is no job description for chaplaincy within the code, which is also problematic as this is the excuse to allow unprofessional conduct from a person in power.
I have read publicly requested email correspondence between community members concerned by Undersheriff Patterson’s and Sheriff’s behavior over the last three months, expressing fear and distrust for law enforcement. None of these emails have been answered by the Sheriff.
As a public servant, I found the expressed concerns heartbreaking and the lack of response abhorrent.
How does this build trust in our community? How is this professional? Is this what one expects to see in a leader? Currently, the Sheriff’s Department has no social media policy as the content of Mr. Patterson’s media platforms continue to sow distrust, bias, division, and fear of law enforcement within the community. Another concern was the acknowledgement by our Sheriff that his officers are not current in certifications or training. Officers are not current in BLS/First Aid certification, among others, in violation of Columbia County training policy. This is a public health safety risk for not only our community but the county as well. Officers are first responders. As a healthcare employee, I am not allowed to work if I am not current in my certifications or trainings.
This speaks volumes to the lack of leadership and the mismanagement of our Sheriff’s department.
Theresa Eier
Dayton, Wash.
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