Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

In support of diversity in community

In response to Morgan’s unhinged rant in the Dayton chronicle.

Dear Editor,

I am not affiliated with any political group and have served this community for the last ten years. I would like to thank Neighbors United for Progress (NUP) for understanding the concept of diversity and the definition of community and attempting to offer a safe place away from animosity, division, and hate, where concerned community members could meet their candidates and ask them questions about their concerns.

We live in a diverse community. Diversity is the range of human differences and experiences including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs. I understand as a public servant, to build trust in the community, one must check their bias at the door understanding that we do serve a diverse community. Sowing division and casting an us vs. them perception is counterintuitive to servitude. We have an undersheriff likening community members to being evil and sick for not falling in line with his christo-fascist views. You have unanswered concerns to our elected sheriff, expressing fear and distrust of law enforcement. Why would members not feel safe amongst the fringe fascists in this community with the rampant homophobia and demonization? This private candidate forum was created for people that don’t feel safe in our community. And quite frankly, if you don’t understand why you don’t belong in community service.

Oh, and the police department showing up in full uniform when it was a private invite-only forum, really took the cake. It tells me that all those concerns to the sheriff went completely unheard.

Hope this helps.

Theresa Eier

Dayton, Wash.


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