The recent Waitsburg Times interview with pop artist Kellie Rose is what drove me to attend her recent concert at the Royal Block.
Her life story told in the Times article about her years of hard work, dedication and unwavering determination to become the professional that she is made me really want to see her do her thing.
Her live performance and sound was way, way bigger than any solo performance I’ve ever seen! She not only sang and played guitar, she used a doubling pedal unit to a beautiful effect often sounding like a 5-piece band!
I found her original songs romantic and haunting at the same time.
Her sound is current and even a bit urban with rapid fire lyrics which will definitely appeal to the younger fan base out there.
Good luck to you, Kellie and hopefully you’ll come back to us before you become too big for our little ‘burg!
Joe Patrick,
local guitar tech.
Waitsburg, Wash.
Reader Comments(1)
publisher writes:
Correction: Kellie uses a Looper effect pedal, not a Doubling pedal. Joe Patrick
11/25/2022, 11:08 pm