My Perfect Christmas
by Emily Knudson
My perfect Christmas was about two years ago, when my grandma, who I miss terribly, was still here. I was extremely close to her. If I had to wish for only one thing, it would be to talk to her one last time. If I could talk to her one last time, that would be my perfect Christmas. I miss her a lot. Something else that would be a perfect Christmas, would be spending my Christmas in a small cabin in the woods. The woods make me feel safe and protected. The woods are calm and peaceful, and nobody can disturb or hurt me. Just deep in the woods. That would be a lovely Christmas. My last example of my perfect Christmas would be spending my Christmas in Australia because part of my family is in Australia. I never get to see them because they are so far away. Part of my dad's side of the family is in Australia. The only time I really get to see them is on Facetime. If I were to go to Australia, it would be my perfect Christmas.
My Perfect Christmas
by Hayden Gascon
My perfect Christmas was when I got two Lego sets and a box for them. I have big plates that I can use to make houses. I once made a police house that got broken by my brother, he broke a lot of my projects. Also, I got to eat cookies, we left some cookies out with a note on them and it said "Thank you for the Christmas presents Santa". Then the next morning the note said "You're Welcome!" For Christmas, I love drinking hot cocoa and spending time with my family. My favorite kind is with marshmallows in it. I also like when my Mom and Dad take pictures with everybody. We have all of my grandparents, my brothers, my sisters, my uncles, and my aunt all together in one picture! That is my perfect Christmas. I hope you have a great Christmas this year.
My Perfect Christmas
by Flynn Richardson
My idea of a perfect Christmas is to have a Christmas where there is no stress. One of my least favorite things about Christmas is that there is so much stress to get stuff right and on time, so to have a perfect Christmas there would have to be no stress. The second thing that I would need for a perfect Christmas is for everyone to be there. This is necessary because my family is the most important part of Christmas, so if any of them were missing, it would be bad. Those are the necessary requirements for the perfect Christmas. During the perfect Christmas, I would wake up and run downstairs to open presents. First, though, we would open up our stockings to see what's inside them. After we open our stockings and present, we would go to eat breakfast. For breakfast, we would have crepes with a lot of fillings. After we are full, we would just hang out and have fun. Then I would have to go to my dad's. At my dad's, I would wait for everyone to arrive then I would start opening my presents. Once all the presents are open, we would scramble around for batteries while some of us are already playing with our presents. After this, we would have a Christmas feast. The last thing that we would do would be to sleep. This is my idea of a perfect Christmas.
My Perfect Christmas
by Audrey Kiefel
My perfect Christmas is when we all wake up super early and go open presents, but we have to wait for my Grandma and Grampa. We all open our gifts and then after we all our stuff away like our toy's. Then we can do whatever we want, like sleep. Then at 10:00 we go to my Grandma's house and wait for the whole family to come and then we can open gifts there. After we are done opening gifts we put them all in the car. Then when we get home we can open some of the toy's that we got. I also like to Facetime Emily to tell her what I got and hear what she got. After that me and my brother played with our toy's, then we put them away. Then I just like to lay down and chill, everyone also likes to do that too. We clean the whole house after every thing and we sometimes have treats from christmas eve that I have. I like to sometimes play games on the phone with friends. It's fun when we have Christmas dinner with family. The cousins come and we play together. Its just fun spending time with family.
My Perfect Christmas
by Ollivyr Dahlby
To me the perfect Christmas would be seeing family you don't see often and having fun with your family. Second would be having a ton of fun because That may be the only time you have to see them. Third, I'd say having a lot of snow to play in. Then just being happy and thankful. Last but not least, one being nice to everyone. Next I think that the best dinner for Christmas would be ham,eggs,toast,mashed potatoes,and much more. Also the next best thing would be having presents for everyone. Next I'd say that giving toys to daycares,schools,parents,and kids around the world. Also I'd say that giving and helping everyone. If you enjoy giving you'll be happier I promise. Lastly I love the presents because they are one of the best parts. I love eating the amazing food my mom cooks. Next I love the snacks we eat before dinner on Christmas. Also I love cookies and ice cream. Lastly, I love helping and cooking food.
My Perfect Christmas
by Arrow Groom
A long time ago it was Christmas. I was a little boy just waiting to open my presents. When it was time I kept on ripping to get to the inside. There was one present left, it was the biggest. When I opened it I was shocked to see what was inside. It was a thomas bike and I kept saying Thomas bike, Thomas bike, Thomas bike I loved Thomas and bikes. Another time a long time ago there were presents under the tree and there were lots of presents. When I say a lot of presents I mean a huge amount like a mountain. At the end of opening the presents the floor was covered with no sight of the floor. It was covered in wrapping paper. Not able to see the floor at all just wrapping paper covering it. Also on Christmas I got lots of cool toys. A RC monster truck, Legos, fishing pole, and a bike. But a Lego set I got was a type where you can make three different sets in one with the same pieces. On that one day I built all three sets. For some reason I have a gift so I can build Lego sets really fast.
My Perfect Christmas
by Sidian Stegall
I imagine a perfect Christmas in Florida because I love the ocean. It's one of my favorite places to go. My dad and my mom lived in Florida but I was not born yet, sadly. So that's my perfect Christmas but I'm not done. I also think Florida would be a good place to go for Christmas because of all the wildlife. There are really big catfish. Another reason why I would spend Christmas in Florida is because my aunt lives there. I've never seen my aunt in Florida because it is really far from here and all of us just don't want to go except me. Our aunt only visits us. I'm usually mad, sad, confused and happy so it's just a mix of feelings. It's fun when she comes. I'm really sad Florida got hit by hurricane Ian but my aunt is ok. That's why I would go to Florida and because it does not snow there. That's why I would like to spend Christmas in Florida. Florida is such an interesting place. My aunt had a boat there. I've never seen it but they took it down the river sometimes. I don't know if she still has it because of hurricane Ian. But if she still has it, it was probably ruined. So that's my perfect Christmas.
My Perfect Christmas
by Maeci Strickland
My sister's and I usually wake up our Mom and Dad around 5:30 am. It takes a while for them to get up. When they do, we open presents. We would get 1 game and play, 90% of the time I lose because I'm bad at games! I win 1 or 2 games when I play with my family. Sometimes, we make cookies and my Mom makes good food. I love the presents I get because the presents I get are fun. I get books and clothes and maybe sometimes I get games. Sometimes we have a friend over. We have fun on Christmas. Some of our family like Nana and Papa come over. When they do come over and play more games. Our Nana win a lot of games It's a fun Christmas because we do a lot of fun stuff. If we get something for our family and it's like a game we play it. And on Christmas you get to spend time with family. And sometimes I get something for my sisters. And my sisters get something for me.
My Perfect Christmas
by Harlee Coulston
My perfect Christmas is spending time with my family.I also like the food. This is all about my perfect Christmas. I wish Christmas was every day.To be honest my two favorite parts are telling people about God. It is a very good feeling. And, if I am being honest it is also the present. My favorite time of Christmas is when we go to see my grandmas. It is so fun for my whole family. They make us hide so Santa can come even though we know that they just want us to leave but we do not say we do not want to hurt their feelings.One year they got us these huge paper gingerbread houses that you could color. I took mine very seriously even though I hate coloring. I am so bad at it.I love so many things about Christmas. It is my favorite holiday. What is your favorite part about Christmas? Have a good day and Merry Christmas. One more thing. What is your favorite Christmas movie? Mine is Home Alone. It is so funny. You heard so many things, but my favorite is God. He is the reason we have Christmas. These are all my favorite things to have a good day.
My Perfect Christmas
by Laila Long
My perfect Christmas would be waking up to 6 inches of snow. The reason I want 6 inches of snow is because I love sledding. My second reason is so we can have a big snowball fight. My final reason is so we can make a ginormous snowman. This is why 6 inches of snow would make a perfect Christmas. The second thing that would make Christmas perfect is my dad's cinnamon rolls. The first reason why this would be a perfect Christmas is the smell of the cinnamon rolls. The second reason is the taste and the feel of the cinnamon roll. With the hard outside and the soft inside. The best part is it is not too sweet but not too plain. This is how the cinnamon rolls make a perfect Christmas. The final thing that would make my Christmas perfect is extra sleep. What I mean by extra sleep is a nice cozy area to rest after a long day. The reason you are going to be tired is from the snowball fight and cinnamon rolls. Also unwrapping all the gifts under the tree. This is what a perfect Christmas is like for me.
My Perfect Christmas
by Kaitlyn Paul
My perfect Christmas is being with my family. It can be loud with seven to ten people in the house. At least it's not really quiet in there though. My sister will come over for Christmas most time, so that's nice. I like being with my family at Christmas. Another idea of my perfect Christmas is sitting next to a fire. I feel like it would be really relaxing. It seems like it would be nice to be up in the cabin, next to the fire. Fire is pretty in my opinion, so I feel like it would be nice to be next to a fire. I think that a fire is fitting for Christmas. My last idea of a perfect Christmas is sledding. I think that sledding is fun around Christmas. Last year, me and my sibling went all around town finding places to sled at. That was my favorite time sledding so far. That's my idea of a perfect Christmas.
My Perfect Christmas
by Carson Scott
My perfect Christmas would probably be me on the couch watching Elf in pajamas with a Ryan Reynolds cup of eggnog. After that go sledding and have a Christmas dinner, with turkey, green bean casserole, ham, and more eggnog also chocolate pie. After that, finally open presents. Then we go to my grandma's house and open more presents and see my cousins. Then we play with my grandpa's drones.Then we go home. We don't do this but I would like to watch more Christmas movies. I would also like to go wheeling in the mountains. And go snowboarding and also hook up a sled to a four wheeler And have it pull me after that go to silver wood. Then go to triple play Then go spend the night at a fancy hotel. And then go on an airplane and then a helicopter Then go spend the night at a water park. Then we would go camping on the mountains for like three days or so then go to walla walla for chinese food. Then go to Britain and Oregon, Colorado, Carson City, Louisiana, Texas and New York. Then go to a Dunkin Donuts and get donuts and coffee. Then go to ireland and yell top of the morning. Then go back home and play with my stuff. But mostly I spend time with my family and also invite my cousins to go sledding. Also dirt bike with my cousins and have a race with them. That would be my perfect Christmas.
My Perfect Christmas
by Mitchell Hays
In my perspective I think my perfect christmas is spending time with my family and leaving cookies out for santa because what is fun without that.Christmas is also about Jesus' birth and he was born.I also like to give people presents because Christmas isn't all about getting presents it is also about giving.You should also be grateful to plus you should definitely be good because if you dont you could get nothing so please be good.I think the best present I could ever get is my family because they help me get through some tough times and they take care of me. That's the best present I could ever get. Another great thing about Christmas is that you might get to see family that you don't get to see as much like my cousin Gaige and Trever they and they are firefighters and there are always at work so I barely get to see them plus they live in oregon and in the middle of nowhere. I am just trying to say that Christmas is a great time to see family that you don't really get to see. Christmas is also a great time to be extra nice because it is not fun to watch someone be mean.So just be nice because it is a good thing to do. Pleas be the best person you can be. Another good Christmassy thing to do is have fun in a good way because I know some people that when they get told that they start to do make bad decision and stated to do some bad things like brake things or draw on walls. Don't ever do that because you can get in really big trouble. Doing that is a lot on the parents because they might have to replace the part you collered on. The kid might also have to clean it up so just be good. That is my perfect Christmas.
My Perfect Christmas
by Madyson Potter
My perfect Christmas would be perfect in every way for me. Christmas is my favorite holiday so for it to be perfect it would be the best Christmas ever. Any perfect Christmas is being with loved ones and people you care about. Just being with family would be great for any holiday even. These three paragraphs are all about what my perfect Christmas would be. The perfect Christmas for me would be going to see family members and all opening gifts together and giving gifts. Going to see family and unwrapping gifts and wrapping gifts for people just feels good because we're giving love into the present we're opening. Christmas is not only just putting love into a gift, it could also be showing our love face to face and telling people how we care about them. This holiday is for giving our love and how much we care for one another. Being with family,showing love are good on Christmas, so on Christmas tell your family how much you care about them. For me, all of that is my perfect christmas. What is your perfect Christmas and why? On Christmas, be very grateful for what you have because your family is all you need to have a perfect christmas. In conclusion my perfect Christmas is being with family celebrating and being grateful.
My Perfect Christmas
by Lilli Carpenter
My perfect Christmas would be the best one ever. There would be fun activities like white elephant, bean bag toss, board games, and maybe even a winter camp for me and my brothers friends. We would do a lot of other things in the snow like sledding, build a snowman, make snow angels, and lots of other fun things. If we got cold outside there would be hot cocoa, hot cider, and other hot beverages. There would be so much fun to be had. We would still have to shovel snow though. I live in the mountains so there is lots of snow. Luckily my dad has a tractor and a dozer. That helps a lot.Since I'm in girl scouts I get to go to winter camp which is so much fun. Except last time I went we were sledding and I hit a bump and landed on my tailbone. (That was fun not) If you ever want to know how to build a snowman here's how. Materials: Sticky snow, 12 rocks, a scarf, a hat, 2 sticks, and one big/long carrot. First you want to roll your snow into 3 snowballs. Make one big, one medium, and one small. Put your medium snowball on top of the big snowball. Then the small snowball on top of the medium one. Put its hat on along with its scarf. Stick 7 rocks on its face for its smile, 2 for its eyes, and three for its buttons. Put the carrot right over the smile for a nose, and the sticks right in the sides of the medium size snowball. And there you have it, a snowman!
My Perfect Christmas
by Braxton Bly
My idea of a perfect Christmas is to have a lot of presents and a lot of snow. I would like to build a huge snowman in my front yard. I would like to go snowboarding on Christmas because I have never gone snowboarding before. I would love to go and spend time with my brother because he plays video games with me and he is really good at it. I would also love to try and ski this christmas i would love to spend time with my family and my dogs cant forget them. And another one is my brother's room. He has a little town on his desk. It is very decorated, very nice and organized. I want a new roping setup but I don't think I will get that. I want a roping horse for christmas. I would like a new pasture for a new horse because why not. I would also like an elephant for christmas. I also want a zebra too. I also want a hippopotamus for christmas.
My Perfect Christmas
by Holley Jensen
My favorite thing about Christmas is food and Oma's cookies. I love her cookies and I love the presents that I get. I enjoy saying hi to my family. My Uncle Paul always asks me for my hair because he is balding, I say NO!!! Also, I love hanging out with my BFF (best friend forever) Astin. He tells me jokes and I think that they are hilarious. When he gets sad, I do not feel happy because it breaks my heart. I eat all of the deviled eggs and I eat all of the jello. I also enjoy jamming out to hard metal with my Uncle Carl. That is what a perfect Christmas is for me!
My Perfect Christmas
by Autumn Shelton
My perfect Christmas is when my family can actually enjoy it. My mom and dad put in a lot of effort to make it perfect while trying to deal with three autistic children at the ages of six and three, and one normal eleven year old. My mom does all the shopping, makes all the food and takes care of us all day. My dad is important because he helps my mom with my sisters when he gets home from work, makes all the money, and he's my friend. My perfect Christmas is when we get to decorate the Christmas tree and have hot chocolate and butterfinger popcorn and watch a movie. I like spending time alone with my mom and spending time at grandmas and having feasts then opening presents. When we go home it's past 8:00 pm so when we get home we go to bed then start winter break. So in conclusion, my perfect Christmas can be many things but as long as I have my family I'm happy. Maybe one day I can put a dog in a dog sweater and, it on a sleigh and get on then take off downhill. Then I would bring it to play with other dogs at my parents house then my friends house. Then we would go home, get warm and watch a movie, then go to bed.
My Perfect Christmas
by Damian Brown
My perfect Christmas is to hang out with my family and have hot cocoa.Then I would want to watch a movie like the Christmas Chronicles or The Grinch. Then I would want to bake cookies and milk, then I would want to open my presents. And after that I would want to watch the Christmas Chronicles Two, then I would want to play a game like Sorry or Connected Four and other board games. Then I would like to play Go Fish or other games. Then I would want to go play outside and have a snowball fight and make snowmen and snow angels. Then I would open presents and that would take a long long time so it would be like 4:00 Then we all would go to town to see people and then go and eat out. We would go eat at my family's favorite restaurant, " Clare's." Then we would go home and play with our gifts. For a little bit. We would then brush our teeth and we would watch a Christmas movie. Then it is time for bed. Kyra and I would lay down and watch a movie and play roblox together. We would also play Brookhaven and then we'd watch tik tok together. I would play a bunch and it is very fun then I would play fortnight with dad and his friends. We would have fun playing fortnite. That would be my perfect Christmas.
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